Patel Beyonce

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Revision as of 04:53, 3 September 2020 by Nameoftheyear (talk | contribs)

Patel Beyonce is a lineup player for the Unlimited Tacos. Beyonce has been a member of the team since Season 1. Beyonce is statistically the best player on the team, though on any other team he would be considered average.

Official League Records

After Season 3, Beyonce was briefly known as both "Wyatt Mason" and "Wyatt Beyonce" as a result of The Wyatt Masoning.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Beyonce has been observed to occasionally open a third eye on his forehead, most commonly when batting. Since Beyonce is usually squinting menacingly when this occurs, it is speculated that this third eye is to help focus. When asked about it in interviews, Beyonce stated that "it only looks that way because I'm focusing really hard. I have a completely normal amount of eyes." They, however, make no attempt to hide it.

Beyonce, stumping medical experts and the Tacos equipment manager, appears to be continuing to grow at a linear rate. If the growth continues unabated, they will be the world’s tallest person by the end of season 68. He is currently one of the tallest players in the ILB.

Personal Life

Little is known about Beyonce's career before the Internet League. Beyonce refuses to answer questions from splorts journalists who inquire about the topic, either publicly or privately, and multiple journalists who have gone digging for information about Beyonce's past themselves have disappeared under "mysterious circumstances".

However, Beyonce has been assumed to have played Crlicket at some point in his life, due to constantly incorrectly referring to Blaseball positions as Crlicket positions (home runs are "sixes" and second base is "silly mid on"). They also have a beautiful tenor singing voice, and many journalists have outlandish theories as to why.

Outside of Blaseball, Beyonce has made large donations to a grass-roots organisation restoring to flightworthiness a 1930s flying boat moored on a lake near San Bernardino.  They have publicly expressed interest in having this aircraft transport the Tacos from city to city during the Blaseball season, although decades of climate change have lowered water levels such that a take-off run may no longer be safely practicable.
