Avila Guzman

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Avila Guzman is a lineup player for the Miami Dalé. She has been with the team since Season 4, Day 36, due to a feedback swap. Guzman entered the league with the Seattle Garages at the beginning of Season 1.

Official League Records

Guzman's Blaseball career began with the Seattle Garages in Season 1. Due to feedback on Season 4, Day 36, Guzman swapped places with the Miami Dalé's Farrell Seagull, who subsequently took Guzman's place on the Garages' lineup.

Early Life

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

While the circumstances of her birth remain largely unknown, she was found as a baby in the bathroom of Beth's Café, in the aftermath of the Awful Coffee Disaster, and adopted by the Baristas that were roaming there.

Coming of age as part of the order, she was raised in the way of the Great Machinists, and received their holy sacrament, a mechanical arm made from expresso machine parts, capable of outputting a standard 9 bar of pressure, in addition to its functionalities as a limb and an expresso machine.

Before her professional blaseball career, she was roaming through Seattle's most famous independently-owned coffee houses, on her quest for the Great Deeds of Coffee prophesized in the holy Barista texts.

Life in Seattle

Avilia Guzman was formerly a brass player for the Seattle Garages Acoustics Laboratory.

As a member of the Garages, Guzman frequently hosted dinner parties for the rest of the team before important games, with Mike Townsend assisting in providing various homemade treats.

Life in Miami

Guzman's party-forward attitude has been greatly embraced by the Dalé, alongside her intimate knowledge of espressos. Some have speculated her decision to remain in Miami was heavily influenced by her desire to perfect her cafecito technique.

Guzman is the current recordholder for most donuts in the parking lot, a triathalon style competition consisting of a 5 minute boat section, a 5 minute Krispy Krleme section, and then a 5 minute automobile section.