Shirai McElroy

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Shirai McElroy is a player in the Shadows for the Core Mechanics, and has been with the team since the Season 20 elections.

Official League Records

McElroy joined the ILB as a player in the Shadows for the Canada Moist Talkers as the Moist Talkers' Season 10 Playoff Birth.

During the Season 13 elections, McElroy joined the Moist Talkers' pitching rotation in exchange for Mooney Doctor as a result of the Moist Talkers' Foreshadow will. McElroy was then promptly traded to the Core Mechanics in exchange for PolkaDot Patterson via the Moist Talkers' Plunder will.

During the Season 15 elections, McElroy gained the Maximalist modification due to the Sky's the Limit blessing.

McElroy was traded to the Dallas Steaks in exchange for Zoey Kirchner during the Season 20 elections via the Mechanics' Equivalent Exchange will. McElroy then retreated to the Mechanics' Shadows as a result of the Mechanics' Move will.

On Season 22, Day 2, McElroy joined the Mechanics' lineup in exchange for Mira Lemma at the Core Pillar Center via the Ratified Voicemail.

Over the course of Season 23, McElroy entered and exited the Mechanics' Shadows seven times as a result of Core Pillar Center Fax Machine and Voicemail events, ending the Season in the Shadows.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Shirai McElroy Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-97.66 and start reading...


Shirai McElroy is a famously private individual, and not much is known about her personal life or history. When approached with questions about her life before joining the Mechanics, McElroy reportedly responded, "What are you, a cop?" before ziplining out of the room.

Fan Works