Mummy Melcon

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Revision as of 19:18, 17 September 2020 by Karythe (talk | contribs) (added community lore)

Mummy Melcon is a pitcher for the Hades Tigers.

Official League Records

Melcon joined the league on Season 7, Day 71, as a pitcher for the Hades Tigers, due to the incineration of Yazmin Mason.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Mummy Melcon isn’t entirely sure how she got here. She could have sworn she was on her way to the Scales of Ma’at, but she must have taken a wrong turn somewhere past Albuquerque, and wandered into entirely the wrong afterlife. Oh well! Nothing for it now but to keep plugging along.

Mummy has a tendency to get lost, you see. She does so love to travel, but her sense of direction isn’t the best, and she has an unfortunate penchant for… mishaps. It’s due to these wandering ways that she is perhaps the world’s only multi-mummy, having been mummified no less than four times, each time in a different way. Leaving her cozy tomb in Egypt behind, she’s tumbled down a salt mine in Iran, stumbled into a peat bog in the United Kingdom (where she learned the fine art of Afternoon Tea), and cooled her heels on a Peruvian mountaintop. And that’s only the times she can remember off the top of her head!

It’s still a mystery how she found her way to Hades, much less through the labyrinthine tunnels of the Sixth Circle Stadium; but somehow, she ended up in the stands on that fateful day. When she saw that poor, lovely deer lady incinerated before her eyes, and how sad those fine people in the tiger shirts looked, Mummy knew she had to act. She marched down to the Hades dugout and immediately put the kettle on for tea, hoping to raise their spirits— but instead found herself suddenly pressed into service on the pitcher’s mound.

Unfortunately, Mummy didn’t quite take naturally to blaseball. After millennia of wandering the earth and learning such splorts as cluju, klemari, and plok-ta-plok, she simply can’t keep all the rules and techniques straight in her head anymore. But she’s game to give the splort her best effort; and even while she struggles to contribute from the mound, she truly excels in the locker room and the dugout, where she nourishes her teammates’ bodies and souls by cooking up cuisine from around the world; always served with a smile, a hug, and a cup of warm, soothing tea.*

*Her food does tend to taste slightly of peat or grave dirt. The tea, however, is always scrumptious.