Summers Pony

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Summers Pony was a pitcher for the Seattle Garages, and was with the team from Season β8, Day 102 until Fall Ball. Pony has previously played for the Dallas Steaks and Philly Pies.

Official League Records

Pony joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Dallas Steaks with the Return of Blaseball.

On Season β6, Day 62, Pony siphoned some of Hawai'i Fridays lineup player Karato Bean's defensive ability in a game with Blooddrain weather, increasing it from to .

On Season β7, Day 86, some of Pony's defensive ability was siphoned by Hades Tigers lineup player Usurper Violet in a game with Blooddrain weather, decreasing it from to . On Season 7, Day 99, Pony partied and increased each rating by -star.

On Season β8, Day 27, Pony was exchanged to the Philly Pies due to Feedback. Pony was replaced by Rai Spliff. On Day 102 Pony was again exchanged, this time to the Seattle Garages, due to Feedback. Pony was replaced by Farrell Seagull.

During the Coffee Cup, Pony played for FWXBC as a pitcher.

During the Season β14 elections, Pony retreated to the Garages' Shadows in exchange for Oliver Loofah as a result of the Garages' Foreshadow will, resulting in a combined 11.9 12.5 stat increase.

On Season β18, Day 14, Pony rejoined the Garages' active roster in exchange for Lenny Marijuana as a result of The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine, becoming a pitcher in the process.

On Season β19, Day 30, Pony retreated to the Garages' Shadows in exchange for Durham Spaceman as a result of The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine. On Day 79, Pony rejoined the Garages' active roster in exchange for Nolanestophia Patterson via the Fax Machine.

On Season β20, Day 95, Pony retreated to the Garages' Shadows in exchange for Penelope Mathews as a result of The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine.

On Season β21, Day 36, Pony rejoined the Garages' active roster in exchange for Oliver Loofah via The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Summers Pony Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-1.989 and start reading...

Early Life and Career

Summers Pony joined the Dallas Steaks in Season 1 alongside her childhood best friend, Jessica Telephone. The two had been inseparable up to that point, having grown up and gone to school together in the Dallas area. As children, they had a weekly slumber party tradition, featuring pizza, movies, magazines, and plenty of gossip.

Pony was recruited to the Steaks by the same recruiter that scouted the Telephone twins, and was thrilled to be on the team with her best friend. That happiness wasn't to last, however, as Jessica Telephone was traded to the Philly Pies in the Season 1 Election, leaving Pony behind in Dallas. The two continued to stay in touch through weekly phone calls.

While Pony was friendly with many of the other Steaks, she struggled to make a true connection like the one she had with Telephone. Pony grew increasingly lonely on the team as, over time, her phone calls to her best friend grew less frequent, eventually going unanswered entirely. Seeking to "leave this small town behind,"[1] Pony saw an opportunity to be reunited with her best friend early in season 8 and swapped onto the Pies.

Rumors conflict over the nature of Telephone and Pony's relationship in Philly, but two theories are popular: that Telephone greeted Pony warmly, but was too busy to properly reunite and bond with her friend, or that Telephone rebuffed Pony, unable to relate to her former friend after experiencing both stardom and shelling. Neither were available to comment on the matter, but sources confirmed one fact: that Telephone gifted Pony with a pair of vintage 1980s roller skates.

Pony struggled to adjust to life in Philly, often wishing she'd never left home. Her new teammates often tried to cheer her up: Ruslan Greatness and Beasley Day in particular made a point to hang out with her every weekend, bringing with them pizza, movies, magazines, and plenty of gossip. After the second shelling of Jessica Telephone and a fateful heart-to-heart with Lang Richardson, Pony set out to learn to enjoy life without attaching her happiness to her friendship with Telephone.

Move to Seattle

Pony moved to Seattle during the Season 8 Postseason, where she's begun to rekindle her love of activities she enjoyed prior to joining the ILB. In particular, she's taken up the saxophone. While she struggles at playing more than a few notes, she's proud to say that she can play the lick. She's been learning the opening to "Careless Whisper" by George Michael since the Season 9 playoffs, and hopes that it'll be performance-ready soon.

Within her first few days as a Garage, her roller skates broke. Oliver Mueller gave her a new pair and began to give her skating lessons alongside the Lil' Roadies. She took to it quickly, eventually joining the Jerboa Junction Roller Derby team as a blocker.

Outside of music and skating, Pony can often be found eating pizza with the Lil' Roadies, watching movies with Oliver Notarobot and Theodore Duende, reading magazines with Goodwin Morin and Sparks Beans, and sharing gossip with Betsy Trombone and Durham Spaceman.

After Season 14, Pony decided to step away from Blaseball, opting to open up a roller rink as a part of the Seattle Shadows Co-op. Pony's rink is now the permanent home of Jerboa Junction. Rumor has it that, when she left the active roster, she secretly let a Lil' Roadie take her spot.

Fan Works

Summers Pony is the focus of the following songs:

Additionally, Summers Pony is mentioned in the following song(s):

Summers Pony features in the following fics: