Blimp Hardison

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Blimp Hardison is a lineup player for the San Francisco Lovers, and has been with the team since the Season 20 Endseason.

Official League Records

Hardison joined the ILB as a player in the Shadows for the San Francisco Lovers as the Lovers' Season 20 Underbracket Playoff Birth.

On Season 22, Day 50, Hardison joined the Lovers' lineup in exchange for Foxy Pebble at San Franstadium via the Ratified Voicemail.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Colloquially known as ‘Blimp Hardison’, this air vessel was originally hired by the Blaseball News Network for capturing aerial views of live splorting events for broadcast and advertising purposes. However, due to an unfortunate clerical error involving Hardison’s Blimp Aviation, Co.’s paperwork, the vessel was misfiled as a singular individual/blaseball player named ‘Blimp Hardison’. Despite protests from the crew, they resigned themselves to their inevitable fate, joining the San Francisco Lovers’ line-up.

Strangely enough, every crew member of the vessel’s name appears to be Hardison. When asked about it, the various Hardisons couldn’t seem to recall if that was always the case or not. To minimize confusion onboard the blimp each Hardison has taken a designated call sign based on a prominent feature of their appearance, their designation, or their job title.

The Blimp

The vessel, simply known as ‘Blimp’ was designed using a hybrid of magic and technology, appropriately called ‘magitech’. Blimp is a non-rigid (meaning its shape is not maintained by a rigid internal structure) dirigible (directable/steerable airships). Inside its exterior envelope, the vessel is fitted with air–filled ballonets and ‘love blood’. As Blimp ascends or descends, the internal ballonets, using magitech, expand or contract to compensate for eDensity changes and to maintain uniform pressure in the envelope. The eDensity is maintained under low pressure, so small punctures do not pose serious consequences for the vessel. One inspection element of the vessel is to look into the envelope for pinpoints of light which are indicative of small holes.

The Crew

Many individuals make up the crew of Blimp, below is one such crewmember.
This time, the Interdimensional Rumor Mill reveals a Crew Manifest from IF-33.717 out of its Crew Manifest Registry...

Qxthrfcx, an eldritch entity with too many eyes and not much else, a black void, holding a blaseball bat on a pink background
Qxthrfcx Art by @averyblase

Name: Qxthrfcx Hardison (AKA Qxth)

Call Sign: The Thing With Too Many Eyes and Not Enough Else

Pronouns: See/Seem/Seems

Physical Description

Mostly seen as a cluster of viewing eyes from the corners of certain rooms. Height seems to be variable, if see even has a solid form. The eyes are a variety of sizes, colors and even species but always seem to glow comfortably and peer with curiosity rather than malice. Reports of body parts that are not eyes are wildly inconsistent and may be part of an elaborate prank started by Qxthrfcx seemself.


Not much is known about seem, but see seems to be relatively young for whatever see is. Nobody is certain how or when Qxthrfcx joined the crew. However, Any attempts to remove Qxthrfcx from the blimp have resulted in streaks of bad luck blimpwide. Appliances break, things are lost, injuries occur. However after releasing seem, luck returns to normal. This has lead to seem having the unofficial role of "Good Luck Charm" on the blimp, and becoming "friendly" with many of the crew. Despite this, seem can be quite helpful, often doing jobs see is shown how to do, provided no one watches seem try to perform the job.

This follows into blaseball. While see has been seen going up to bat, nobody has seen seem swing. Everyone always blinks at the exact moment see swings the bat. This has lead to fans politely turning their backs when seem is up to bat.

Outside of blaseball and seems duties aboard the blimp, seem is inquisitive and loves learning new things. See often watches other players and members of the crew, seemingly to learn about them. Seem has also reportedly enrolled in night classes recently, although the subjects are varied and no major was declared.