Lenny Marijuana

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Revision as of 22:09, 27 July 2021 by Lonestarlars (talk | contribs) (:screem:)

Lenny Marijuana is a player in the Shadows for the Carolina Queens, and has been with the team since Season 24, Day 30. Marijuana has played for the Seattle Garages and Hades Tigers.

Official League Records

Marijuana joined the ILB as a player in the Shadows for the Seattle Garages with the Return of Blaseball.

During the Season 9 elections, Marijuana joined the Garages' pitching rotation in exchange for Lori Boston as a result of the Out of Sight blessing.

During the Coffee Cup, Marijuana played for Cream & Sugar United as a lineup player.

Marijuana was traded to the Hades Tigers in exchange for Hiroto Wilcox during the Season 16 elections via the Tigers' Equivalent Exchange will.

Marijuana was traded back to the Seattle Garages in exchange for Hiroto Wilcox during the Season 17 elections via the Tigers' Equivalent Exchange will.

On Season 18, Day 14, Marijuana retreated to the Garages' Shadows in exchange for Summers Pony via The Hotdogfingers Memorial Climate Pledge Garage and Parking Facility's Fax Machine.

During the Season 22 elections, Marijuana's defense was increased 3.0 4.2 as a result of the Garages' Shadow Infuse will.

On Season 24, Day 30, The Cookout Thieves' Guild stole Marijuana from the Seattle Garages and gave them to the Carolina Queens.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Early Life

Born in the early '60s, █████████ "Lenny" Marijuana grew up loving blaseball, lead by his father Randolfus von Marijuana. Though giving the splort his all, Marijuana never made it out of the minor leagues. This disappointed Marijuana greatly, but he pressed on. Marijuana's focus eventually turned to raising his two sons, Dominic and Randall Marijuana. They, too, took quickly to Blaseball. Marijuana was reported to be a very attentive father, taking them to all of their games, helping coach, and supplying the snacks and drinks for their blittle league teams. However, one day, Marijuana seemed to disappear without a trace.

The Pact

Much was unknown about Marijuana's whereabouts until his debut to the league in Season 10, pitching for the Seattle Garages. It was then he sat down to give an interview with historians to detail his time between disappearing and now.

After a particularly promising game for Dominic, Marijuana was approached by someone he could only describe as a "Shadow Broker." This broker offered Marijuana a deal. If Marijuana signed with him, his boys would have the fame and glory Marijuana could never achieve himself. They would, in the words of the broker, "burn brighter than he ever could." The deal would come at a price, though the details of which were unclear. Marijuana was hesitant, but the broker assured him that interested parties had big plans for the boys and that they would be in good hands. Marijuana agreed, and signed the deal. Once the pact was sealed, Marijuana reports a number of things occurred. First, his name █████████ was taken from him, leaving him only with "Lenny" Marijuana. Any early blaseball cards of him in the minor leagues also have the name smudged out. After this, Marijuana was rendered unrecognizable by any and all who knew him, though it is unclear if this was a result of the pact itself or the taking of his name. Marijuana reports helping the boys out from the shadows, even if they weren't able to recognize him any longer.

During this time of unrecognizability, Marijuana pursued many interests. Part of the pact forbade Marijuana from participating in blaseball, however it did not stop him from watching the games. Marijuana reports being at every game during the beginnings of his sons careers, cheering them on from the stands. Marijuana took up hand-drumming and released a number of albums to widespread public indifference, although his track Conversation With The Cosmos can sometimes be heard in the lobby of a Best Western near Dubuque. Other hobbies included motorbiking, holotropic breathwork, tax evasion, and dog fostering.

An anomaly occurred when Marijuana ran into an old friend at a bar in Halifax, Ortiz Morse. Morse is the only person on record to recognize Marijuana during his time in the shadows, and the two rekindled a close friendship during this time. Marijuana joined Morse's Smash Mouth cover band Moist Mouth, given that all players of the band are made anonymous anyway. When Morse was drafted to the Seattle Garages, Marijuana followed, hoping to get further with his music career there.

The day after Day X, Marijuana received a phone call from the head of the Seattle Garages. In his move to Seattle with Morse, the ILB took notice of Marijuana, and noted that his contract with the broker had expired. They noted that his joining of the league was non negotiable, and was being drafted as the next pitcher effective immediately. When asked why they had chosen him, the person on the other end was difficult to hear, Marijuana only making out the word "Townsend". Though his pitching often proves to be marginal at best, Marijuana is known to put his heart into it, citing that he wants to make his boys proud.

Life After Unshadowing

When not at bat, Marijuana can be found hanging out at Dad's Grill, or busking at the Seattle Center with his hand drum. Despite his name, Marijuana claims to be substance free, opting instead to focus on yoga, holotropic breathwork, hypnotism, and ice baths. Members of the Garages have taken to him quickly, dubbing him "Official Weird Dad" of the team. He has a close relationship with team member Greer Gwiffin, helping him on his podcast Steely Dads! and workshopping Gwisdoms together.

Lenny Loops The Sun 2

Marijuana pitched the opening game of the Season 11 Internet Series between the Seattle Garages and the Hellmouth Sunbeams, playing what was arguably the best game of his entire career. Faced with a Sunbeams batting lineup blessed by both Fourth Strike and Walk In the Park, the single star pitcher nevertheless threw 6 strike outs and by technicality pitched a 6-0 Shutout after the Sunbeams’ 10 runs were converted into a win in the Bottom of the 10th inning.

In a rambling address to the press after the game, Marijuana confided: “I’m so proud of my boys, you know? I guess everyone is after the whole thing with that Shelled One character. Nothing like that happened in Blaseball when I was a younger man, let me tell you. Oh, the game? Sure man, what do you want me to say? I could sit here and tell you I pitched this one for Seattle, or for an old man’s vanity… but truth is the whole time I was up on the mound I was thinking about Dominic and Randall. After everything they’ve done for common folks like you and me… I wanted them to finally have a reason to be proud of their old man.”


Not one to change ways, Marijuana plays the hand drum for the band and occasionally lends his gruff voice to tracks.

Box of Lenny Marijuana Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-70.51 and start reading...


█████████ "Lenny" Marijuana emerged from the Shadows during the Season 9 elections. When questioned by his new teammates, Lenny claimed to have no memory of any time before first waking up within the Shadows some time over the previous seasons. This lack of memory appeared to extend to any knowledge in regards to his two sons,  Dominic and Randall Marijuana. Further attempts at trying to converse with Marijuana about the two would later see him begin to insist that they were “not [his] kids”, and that he “[isn’t] their dad just because [he] might look like them.” and refuse to discuss the matter further.

Construction and Origins

During the Coffee Cup, Marijuana was reported as having spent time conversing with Sandoval Crossing and Sigmund Castillo. The exact nature of their conversations is unknown, but Marijuana has since claimed it gave him ‘a lot to think about’ and spurred his decision to sit down again with historians and give a more detailed interview regarding his time within the Shadows.

During this interview, Marijuana explained that he was indeed Lenny Marijuana, but that he hadn’t always been. Originally he had been a body created by the Big Garage out of the spare materials it had available (including posters, concrete, rebar, and shadows) and subsequently infused with a copy or fragment of its own awareness. After this initial creation, it later purchased an identity consisting of a name and appearance from a third party with a vending machine sandwich and some spare change from a wallet in the Lost-and-Found. He insisted that he had not been aware of any link between his purchased identity and existing members of the IBL at the time of buying, and added that “I might’ve picked something different for me to have when I let me go if I’d realised. At the time I just thought it sounded right, you know?”. The rest of his time within the Shadows was then dedicated to familiarizing himself with having a human body instead of being a building.

Marijuana also revealed that he has the ability to switch between the flesh-and-blood state of his purchased identity and the originally constructed form, but added that he doesn’t like doing it very often and refused to demonstrate. His current goal is to experience more of the world and gain a greater understanding of it before eventually reuniting with the Big Garage to explain these concepts to it and provide it with further understanding, and said he would figure out how to do this "at some point". When asked if he had purchased any other names or faces, he ended the interview by climbing out of a nearby window.

Since then, Marijuana can now be heard referring to the Big Garage as ‘I’ and ‘Myself’. Whilst this has led to some confused attempts at directions, the rest of the team have begun encouraging him to further embrace being open with his identity and further exploration of the Immaterial Plane.

Fan Works

Lenny Marijuana is the focus of the following songs: