Latesiesta/Season 14

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< Latesiesta

Revision as of 18:02, 23 September 2021 by Pokeylope (talk | contribs) (Update formatting)

The Season 14 Latesiesta brought with it renovations for every team. Teams were offered the Renovation PsychoAcoustics, which when applied to a Ballpark, will occasionally Echo one of the Away Team's modifications for the duration of the game. Additionally, any team that received PsychoAcoustics also received a new player, all called Wyatt Mason with Roman numerals distinguishing them, in an event known as The Second Wyatt Masoning.




Some time after the Latesiesta, The Game Band issued a statement about the results of the Latesiesta, revealing that a bug had been exploited to grant some players impossible wealth, which was then used to manipulate the voting results for the Crabs, Steaks, and Millennials. [1] They have restored the Ballparks to their proper statuses, in the following fashion:

  • The Crab’s Crabitat regained 7% Fortifications, and lost the Big Buckets renovation. The Crabitat received a 7% boost to Viscosity, and the PsychoAcoustics renovation.
  • The Steaks’ Steakhouse’s Peanut Weather Boost renovation was removed and replaced with a Coffee Threes Weather Boost renovation.
  • The Millennials Battin’ Island lost its Peanut Mister renovation.

The text log of the renovations above will remain as it was on the hour of the event for posterity.