Ilane Snart

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Revision as of 20:06, 12 July 2021 by LexaByteNV (talk | contribs)

Ilane Snart is a pitcher for the Core Mechanics.

Official League Records

Snart joined the ILB as a player in the Shadows for the Core Mechanics as the Mechanics' Season 20 Overbracket Playoff Birth.

During the Season 22 elections, Snart joined the Mechanics' pitching rotation in exchange for Jolene Willowtree as a result of the Mechanics' Swap will.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


Dr. Ilane Snart is a hyper-intelligent ophidian researcher who immigrated to the Core in the hunt for knowledge and respect from peers. Dr. Snart is largely practical in choice of attire, and can often be seen wearing a lab coat and eyewear. While Dr. Snart is not known to be one to communicate in any known verbal language, Dr. Snart is incredibly effective in conveying information through written language; this is supplemented in casual settings through impressively easily understood gestures such as tongue flicking, head tilting, and hissing. Dr. Snart’s thirst for knowledge wouldn’t be poorly depicted if described as a primal prey drive to learn more. Those who have worked with Dr. Snart know better than to get in the way of the snake and a new discovery.

Dr. Snart’s Work

Dr. Snart was quick to find themselves collaborating with multiple Core Organizations. While working with the research organization, UP, Dr. Snart’s familiarity with non-Euclidean sciences was integral to the organization’s efforts on the subject. Dr. Snart’s inexplicable intelligence, means of seemingly flawless communication, and inferred size-shifting abilities also prove to be a baffling subject of study for UP.

The Various Accolades of Dr. Snart

Scattered about the walls of Dr. Snart's laboratory are various diplomas, degrees, certifications, and awards framed and behind glass. One of these caught your eye and is being presented by the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. It's strangely specific yet very prestigious. This time, the Interdimensional Rumor Mill reveals a Rumor from IF-71.516 out of its Rumor Registry...

A Minor in nth Dimensional Pottery