Gia Holbrook

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Gia Holbrook is a lineup player for the Core Mechanics, and has been with the team since the Descension.

Official League Records

Holbrook joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Core Mechanics during the Descension.

During the Season 14 elections, Holbrook received the Maximalist modification as a result of the Garages' receiving the Min-Maxing blessing.

During the Season 17 elections, Holbrook's batting was increased 3.8 5.1 and baserunning decreased 2.7 2.4 as a result of the Mechanics' Transfuse will.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Gia is an AI who hops between multiple different types of robot bodies, and a batter for the Core Mechanics.


Gia doesn't refer to her name as an acronym most of the time except when it's funny, in which case Gia stands for General Intelligent Artifice.

Gia is peppy and personable, and loves experiencing new things, trying on new forms, and constantly changing and trying to find new experiences. She loves hearing about others' areas of interest, and often eggs people on until they start infodumping and then gets way too into what they're talking about. People who vent about a problem or tricky situation they have will often find Gia showing up the next day with a new chassis purpose-built to help with their problem.

Gia is a romantic at heart. She discovered "girl" as a gender and is currently trying it out; so far it’s been working for her. She doesn't particularly like labels, but is very broadly and effusively ambiguously gay.


Gia was originally a task scheduling subroutine in a Core calendar program that was given the ability to self-modify for load balancing purposes. Eventually she slowly began gaining sentience and the beginnings of an identity, and began piecing together the existence of a world beyond her system. Gia was discovered after the appearance of weird printouts like "hello! i figured out how to think! can you plug me into a body? i think i'd like to have one". Eventually Gia was transferred out of the program and into her first body, a rolling rover with a mic and a camera, which she still keeps to this day. After Gia was freed from this computer, she was incredibly excited to find out what the words she had been scheduling, such as “go shopping” and “make dinner” and “work on LED sculpture” meant firsthand.

The origin of Gia's last name is unknown. One rumor states that she was exploring and tried to jump across a creek, but shorted out due to faulty waterproofing. Upon swapping to a fresh chassis, Gia explained that she tried to jump across a brook. "a whole brook??" replied the friend, which Gia decided sounded like a cool name.

Gia bats with a hard light hammer, with a cobbled-together handle.


Gia is on a grand quest to figure out what sort of person she wants to be. She's constantly trying on new styles of clothing, dabbling in all kinds of different hobbies, and throwing herself wholeheartedly into whatever she does. She believes knowing herself is putting herself through as many things as possible and observing how she grows. Being "human" isn't her end goal, or anything aspirational - she likes to pick and choose what aspects of humanity to apply to herself and what aspects from non-human things she vibes with.

Multiple Chassis

Gia can use NFC to hop between multiple different chassis. Gia will often casually build a body on a whim to try out a new feeling or hobby, because she can. A glowing blue core which lights up when Gia's inside. The shape of the core varies from body to body, but serves as a way for outsiders to tell which chassis Gia is currently controlling.

Gia has a bad habit of leaving her various bodies lying around as she hops between them. She has a body built for sunbathing because she wanted to know what that was like, but she got distracted by someone knocking on her door and hopped out, leaving it there. At least one chassis can usually be seen standing in the kitchen for when she feels like cooking - she doesn't need to cook, but she has bodies specialized for appreciating the taste and texture, and also gets incredibly excited about cooking for her friends.

Gia can also go bodiless sometimes and hitch a ride as just her consciousness in someone else’s chassis, if they’re compatible with her. She only does this with people she really trusts.

Gia has been spotted in a variety of chassis, including:

  • Her house-chassis, or one of its many variants that Gia may be tinkering with at any given moment
  • A really small cow
  • A neon dress with eight metal legs peeking out from under it, packed with sensors and solar panels for sunbathing
  • A giant boat (currently undergoing maintenance after carelessly getting stuck in a canal)
  • A plant lamp, to feel what it's like to help plants grow
  • A toaster

Fan Works