Rigby Friedrich

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Rigby Friedrich is a player for the Seattle Garages, and has been with the team since the Descension. Friedrich previously played for the Atlantis Georgias, and for the Rising Stars during the ILB Semi-Centennial.

Official League Records

Friedrich joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Atlantis Georgias during the Descension.

On Season β21, Day 59, Friedrich became a lineup player due to Reverb.

During the Season β22 elections, Friedrich gained the Skipping modification as a result of the Record Scratch blessing.

During the ILB Semi-Centennial, Friedrich played for the Rising Stars. Friedrich then returned to the Atlantis Georgias as a pitcher.

On Season 1, Day 19, Friedrich fell to the Seattle Garages during a game in Horizon weather.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Rigby Friedrich Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-76.383 and start reading...

Appearance & Personality

Rigby Friedrich typically takes the appearance of an average sized orange goldfish suspended in a block of ice with arms and legs. This frozen vessel seems to constantly be melting from the inside out, possibly explaining how his fish self can swim around inside it. However, the vessel has never entirely melted away, whether this is because of magic or pure spite is unknown.

Friedrich is a relatively quiet individual, stating that he has no interest in mediocre chit-chat. Whenever he chooses to speak, it's exclusively in short and vaguely threatening statements. Almost all of which on the topic of winning Blaseball games, or just success in general. He has an intense desire to win at everything he is involved in and let's absolutely nothing get in the way of that desire. The combination of the complete lack of fear, unwavering competitive spirit, and unnerving way of speaking make Friedrich an intimidating player to be around. His teammates, however, have made it known that he means no harm, probably.

Journey to Atlantis

REDACTED years before arriving in Atlantis, Friedrich was just a normal goldfish and beloved pet of a young child in the REDACTED family. For reasons long forgotten, the parents punished their child by tossing their pet into the REDACTED Sea. This is assumed to be the origin of Friedrich’s intensely spiteful nature, for he has stated he had no part in the family’s personal issues and was wrongfully punished for the situation.

After his abandonment, Friedrich spent an extended period of time aimlessly swimming through various seas and oceans. On numerous occasions, he has been caught by hopeless fishermen. Although he was just a normal fish at the time, it’s inferred that the power of his rage was sensed by these fishermen, as they all assumed Friedrich was a wise and powerful being capable of granting them miracles. Of course, this was not the case then, but even if it were he had no interest in fulfilling anybody’s wishes but his own.

Eventually, Friedrich found himself in Atlantis, as many lost creatures do. Although he was filled with a frightening amount of unchecked anger for a fish, he was still helpless in the state he was in. Luckily, the magic of Atlantis lends itself to those in need; it was particularly generous in the distant past, when Friedrich arrived, and gifted him strong, mysterious powers. The complete extent of these powers is unknown even today; Friedrich has only exhibited an advanced ability to communicate, the ability to REDACTED, and the power to manipulate ice, the latter he uses exclusively to control the vessel he's housed in.

Run in with Atlantis's Patron Deity

The disappearance of Atlantis’s ancient patron deity, REDACTED, seemingly coincides with Friedrich’s reported arrival to Atlantis. This is possibly no coincidence, for he has mentioned many times in passing that he is single-handedly responsible for REDACTED's disappearance, by way of deicide. Nobody knows if, how, or why he did such a thing. An anonymous teammate stated that after asking Friedrich about this at a team party, he responded with “the most piercing and empty stare probably ever known to man. It was honestly physically painful, our whole team awkwardly laughed it off and silently agreed to never bring it up again.”

Atlantean researchers have hypothesized that the reason the true reality of Atlantis is so unstable, causing everyone to be every reality’s version of themselves at once when in Atlantis for a prolonged period of time, is tied to the current lack of a patron deity. No significant or solid proof has been found on this theory yet, however many find it suspicious that Friedrich is one of the few Atlanteans with an almost entirely stable reality. He has never acknowledged this fact.

Blaseball Career

Friedrich has always been known to be extremely serious about playing Blaseball, more specifically, winning Blaseball. He has an unwavering dedication to the success of the Atlantis Georgias, going as far as putting dozens of people in danger for the sake of bringing the team another win. The greatest display of this passion for victory was shown in Season 13, Day 31, where the Georgias won a game in which Friedrich pitched an 18 inning game beneath a Solar Eclipse. Whether he was oblivious to the nature and consequences of the Eclipse or simply did not care is unknown, but he refused to give up nonetheless.

This event has inspired many Atlantean splorts fans to create an informal holiday appropriately called Rigby Day. Celebrations for this holiday occur on the REDACTED day of REDACTED. It has been observed to be both a day to celebrate the Georgias’ beloved pitcher and a day to pray that Friedrich does not inadvertently put the team in grave danger in the future because of his fervent dedication to winning.

Rigby and the Vault

At the end of Season β23, Friedrich had gotten onto the Idol Board in recognition of his audacious base-stealing. However, as he had never been awarded Ego+ in any of the Seasons he played, he was not called up to join the Rising Stars' active roster, instead joining the Team's Shadows. After the game's cancellation, Friedrich would return to the Atlantis Georgias as a pitcher.

Amidst the tumult of Season β24, Friedrich was seen cursing the Supernova Eclipse alongside the rest of the league, despite his usual preference for Solar Eclipse weather. Teammates that paid attention to him noticed he seemed to think of it dismissively, and that he saw its brightness as more of a distraction than anything. Friedrich was among the Georgias players most confident in leading the Team to the Vault at the end of the Season, with his determination driving him to repeatedly smash himself against the Vault's doors.

After being taken to the Vault, Friedrich expressed an interest in finding the ILB Historical Preservation Site. His efforts were proven to be successful when teammates noticed a square-shaped hole in the wall.

Although it is not uncommon for Friedrich to spend time away from the rest of the Team, usually the Georgias are always able to tell where he is. However, during his time in the Vault while Blaseball was Elsewhere, teammates were rarely able to find him. He would be found in the ILB Historical Preservation Site, practicing his pitching and batting, while spending long periods in the dugout between each at-bat. No other Player or Fan had been present in the stadium with him at these times. When asked what he was doing, all Friedrich had to say was that he was "not some forgotten knock-off".


  • His one weakness is peanuts. It’s unknown why Rigby, being a goldfish, ever ate a peanut to find this out in the first place. Rigby has been cured of his peanut allergy. He has no weaknesses. It is too late.
  • Friedrich and Geraldine Frost have something of a rivalry from when they were back-to-back in the Georgias’ pitching rotation. This rivalry, however, seems fairly one sided; it’s mainly Friedrich intimidating Frost to the point of an anxiety headache. They are reportedly still close acquaintances despite this.
  • Killing a god is the most satisfying way for Rigby to win, so it will likely happen again. Soon.
  • His favorite flavor of Ooze!™ is Diet.
  • Despite everything, Rigby is quite the party animal.
  • Watch out.

Fan Works