Rigby Friedrich

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Rigby Friedrich is a player for the Seattle Garages, and has been with the team since the Descension. Friedrich previously played for the Atlantis Georgias, and for the Rising Stars during the ILB Semi-Centennial.

Official League Records

Friedrich joined the ILB as a pitcher for the Atlantis Georgias during the Descension.

On Season 21, Day 59, Friedrich became a lineup player due to Reverb.

During the Season 22 elections, Friedrich gained the Skipping modification as a result of the Record Scratch blessing.

During the ILB Semi-Centennial, Friedrich played for the Rising Stars. Friedrich then returned to the Atlantis Georgias as a pitcher.

On Season 1, Day 19, Friedrich fell to the Seattle Garages during a game in Horizon weather.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Rigby Friedrich Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-5.631 and start reading...


Rigby Friedrich’s true age is unknown, though reports and personal statements allude to the fact that Friedrich witnessed the Bronze Age collapse, indicating that he is at least 3,000 years old. Friedrich currently takes the form of a 6 foot tall neoclassical marble statue, though his soul has been bound to other vessels. The changing nature of his form has made Friedrich difficult to track through history.

Rigorous examination of the historical record has pieced together a tentative timeline of Friedrich’s life that most historians agree upon, though it is not without controversy. Leading researcher Niq Nyong'o has argued that various financial documents indicate that Friedrich was commissioned for a king during the Protopalatial Period on the island of Crete. Friedrich has seemingly confirmed this, allegedly alluding to a dispute between his sculptor and the king. Friedrich has openly admitted to being responsible for the death of his own creator, though the exact nature of that event is unknown.

Arrival at Atlantis

The fractal nature of time and reality around the city of Atlantis has made tracing Friedrich’s history even more difficult. It is theorized that Friedrich’s status as an immortal, unkillable, untiring statue gained the interest of ████████, the patron deity of Atlantis. Payroll records indicate Friedrich operated as his bodyguard for some time. It is unknown if Friedrich sought out this position with the intention of killing ████████, or if the decision to murder the King-God of the Seas came after he grew close to ████████.

While some have speculated that the act of deicide caused Atlantis’ unstable reality, this theory has largely been dismissed. The existence or lack thereof of patron deities has not been found to be directly related to a city’s causal stability. Urban planners agree that godslaying regularly is a key part of any city’s health, as evidenced by the vibrant art and culture of cities like Atlantis and Baltimore.

Blaseball Career

The notoriety of Friedrich’s distaste for the press and public is matched only by the notoriety of his competitiveness. An anonymous source, allegeding to be a teammate, has stated that “he cares more about winning than he does about our safety.”

Friedrich is not oblivious to the dangers presented by blaseball. Indeed, he seems to revel in it, reportedly stating that it reminds him of his time as a gladiator. Friedrich is on record for having said that he appreciates how Solar Eclipses and the constant looming threat of death “keeps things spicy”


  • His one weakness is peanuts. It’s unknown how Rigby, a statue, even managed to ingest a peanut. Rigby has no weaknesses. God help us all.
  • Friedrich and Geraldine Frost have something of a rivalry from when they were back-to-back in the Georgias’ pitching rotation. This rivalry, however, seems fairly one sided; it’s mainly Friedrich intimidating Frost to the point of an anxiety headache. They are reportedly still close acquaintances despite this.
  • Friedrich has a known distaste for fellow immortal Tot Clark. According to him, “ze knowns what ze did”
  • Killing a god is the most satisfying way for Rigby to win, so it will likely happen again. Soon.
  • His favorite flavor of Ooze!™ is Diet.
  • Despite everything, Rigby is quite the party animal.
  • Watch out.

Fan Works