Don Mitchell

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 01:07, 9 September 2020 by Beemancer (talk | contribs) (Minor style change, tracking star history)

Don Mitchell is a lineup player for The San Francisco Lovers, and has been playing since Season 1.

Official League Records

Season 5

Mitchell was hit by reverb on Day 45 of Season 5 in a game against the Hawaii Fridays and gained the Reverberating modification.

Mitchell swallowed a stray peanut on Day 104 of Season 5 in a postseason game against the Chicago Firefighters and gained a star in each statistical category.

Season 6

On Season 6, Day 33, Mitchell siphoned some of Boston Flowers batter Jacob Haynes' defensive ability as a result of a game played in Blooddrain weather, increasing it from to .


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

As a young man Don was orphaned by █████ ████████ ████ ████████. He was found and susequently adopted by a gang of bipedal cats that run a criminal cartel.

Growing up in the prohibition dimension, Don had many opportunities to hone his violent craft and soon worked his way to the top of the gang hierarchy.

During a routine shakedown of a Coffee shop he met and subsequently fell in love with Knight Urlacher. When forming the SF Lovers, Don volunteered to be a batter due to his prior experience using baseball bats to destroy kneecaps.

Due to his relationship with Knight, Don has softened and now only commits little a crime as a treat when not focusing on his Blaseball career.


  • "Don" is both Don Mitchell's first name and his title in the criminal cartel he is a part of. This makes his full name and title Don Don Mitchell.
