Wyatt Mason III

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Wyatt Mason III was a lineup player for the Atlantis Georgias, and was with the team from the Second Wyatt Masoning until being echoed into Static on Season 14, Day 86.

Official League Records

Mason III joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Atlantis Georgias in Season β14 as part of the Second Wyatt Masoning.

Wyatt Mason III and Wyatt Mason VIII echoed each other into Static when meeting on Day 86 of the same season.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Box of Wyatt Mason III Files

Dust billows as the file box lands on the table. While many archives in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill are unified in some way, this... definitely isn’t one of them. The accompanying Rumor Registry explains all of the contents... wherever it is... but for now you grab the folder labelled IF-81.269 and start reading...

Appearance and Personality

Wyatt Mason III, sometimes referred to by fans as “Wet Mason” and referred to by their team as “Three” or “Trip”, is a player in their late teens. Although sans Atlantean adaptations Mason would have presumably looked almost identical to Wyatt Mason (if a few years older), localizing into the tangled realities of Atlantis caused major physical divergences: Mason boasted a fully-functional set of gills and is capable of breathing underwater without outside intervention. They alsopossess a cartilaginous skeleton not unlike a shark’s, resulting in above-average flexibility and some degree of hypermobility. In perhaps the strangest Atlantean alteration of all, Mason constantly generated a small amount of seawater from their entire body, leaving them with a somewhat waterlogged appearance and leading to the fan nickname “Wet Mason”.

Mason was autistic - they are frequently overstimulated by loud noises, and sometimes overstimulated by bright lights and crowds. Mason also displayed aspects of echolalia, prone to repeating the words of those they are communicating with, and palilalia, frequently repeating their own words or phrases multiple times when communicating verbally; these repetitions tended to become more extensive when they are severely stressed and/or overwhelmed. As opposed to standard palilalia, Mason’s repetitions were frequently the exact same tone and pitch as the standard vocalization, like an Echo.

Initially after their Localization, Mason was quiet, distractible, and spent most of their time in a dissociative haze; this began to lift after they met Wyatt Mason IV, revealing a much different person (although they still shied away from interacting with individuals not involved with Blaseball itself, fearing being considered ‘strange’ in a negative way). Although this new Mason may have initially seemed reserved and practical, delving any deeper quickly revealed a young adult who was snarky (oftentimes to the point of seeming mean), pessimistic, and possessed a mischievous streak only now beginning to be uncovered.

As is seemingly the case for each of the Wyatts Mason created in the Second Wyatt Masoning, Mason III was capable of communicating through a telepathic, empathic link with the other Wyatts Mason.

Career with the Georgias

While the Atlantis Georgias were overseeing the installation of their new PsychoAcoustics over the Season 14 Latesiesta, during an argument over how to properly affix one wire to another, a Rift opened under the multiple feet of water on the field, spitting out Mason towards a nearby pile of wires.

Due to the immediate sensory overstimulation of existence, Mason remained under the water until their presence was noticed by the Georgias, who promptly descended into a teamwide debate about what to do with the teenager who had just localized into existence in their ballpark. This argument continued until Captain Niq Nyong'o, with the prescient thought of checking the Georgias’ official roster, discovered a new player on the lineup who had been named Wyatt Mason III by the League.

Over the course of the first few games, the Georgias began to experience not inconsiderable concern for Mason, who spent the majority of their time in a dissociative haze and overwhelmed by their surroundings.

Even though Mason remained in an obfuscated state, they rapidly began to display distress when referred to as “Wyatt” within earshot after only a few days, becoming most obvious around Day 77. To try and relieve their worry, the Georgias hurriedly decided on “Three” as a stopgap name, which Mason did not have the same response to - although they had little response to it at all, that was preferable to a negative one. Shortly after this, they offered the name ‘Trip’ to the team instead of Wyatt, explaining when asked only that it had been a suggestion from another of their ‘siblings’.

After interacting initially with Wyatt Mason IV, Mason seemed to awaken to some degree, displaying a change in personality; slowly shedding the shy, dissociative teen they had initially appeared as, they revealed themself to have a sharp tongue, a mean sense of humor, and a propensity for chaos that promptly landed them a quick friend in Ankle Halifax, who appreciated having another teenager around.

Season 14, Day 86

None of this was going to last. After the first few instances of Static, Mason was painfully aware how fleeting their time was likely to be. Aware of what they perceived to be their inevitable death, they dragged their feet and tried to cling to the few things they understood, afraid to meet with Wyatt Mason VIII. Unfortunately, this would not be enough; during their first at-bat on a day with nothing special about it, Mason made eye contact with their sibling on the Worms, and the two of them began to fade into Static.

There is no video footage of this event. All audio recordings have been heavily corrupted by spikes of white noise.

They are in the PsychoAcoustics, now.


During games at the Bubble, multiple fans and away team players have seen a teenaged figure watching from a seat on the PsychoAcoustics, although they often vanish if anyone ventures too close. During Mason IV’s time on the Atlantis Georgias, they were often seen conversing with this figure; however, whenever questioned, Mason IV refused to divulge any information, stating instead that “if they wanted to talk to you, they’d do it”.

Irregardless of Mason’s state of existence, members of the Georgias have taken to leaving snacks out before games and establishing - whether through speaking into seemingly thin air, or through labeling the food - that, were Mason to be capable of taking the food, it would be theirs. Things left out in this manner rarely remain after the games are done.

In particular, Flattery McKinley’s fridge is prone to disappearing items, which McKinley has simply begun to take in stride.


  • Captain Niq Nyong'o was one of the first to take control of the situation after Mason’s Localization, and they often found themself gravitating to her capable demeanor.
  • Although Mason was with the Georgias for a relatively short time, Siobhan Chark rapidly assigned themself the role of combination chaperone and babysitter, her normal desire to protect younger players making itself known. Despite their existence causing her not-inconsiderable amounts of stress, Mason’s Static on day 86 has left Chark with a certain amount of guilt, as they frequently trailed her around, not unlike a baby duckling.
  • Mason was prone to mimicking Rigby Friedrich’s air of casual menace, although did not display strong emotions one way or another towards Friedrich; at best the two of them coexisted in the same space. Mason was too distanced to truly take any note of Friedrich’s odder tendencies, and Friedrich felt no need to interact with them.
  • Flattery McKinley was very overwhelming for Mason for most of this period, and they tended to avoid her when possible during this time.
  • Gita Biscuits took a surprising liking to Mason, taking it upon herself to teach them the same necromancy she often used to resurrect her seagulls; even to this day, rodents and seagulls that somehow make their way to the Bubble often do not stay dead.

Special Abilities

Mason retains no memories dating from before their Localization, but possesses a peculiar ability: for any players who existed in the League in any form before Season 14, Day 72, Mason is capable of ‘loading’ their Iinterviews. As long as it was ever officially recorded, Mason had near-instant access to this information; it is hardcoded into their existence, much like their name. This is theorized to be due to them retaining some connection to the Microphone itself, notably responsible for Interviews in the first place, although there was no clear answer discovered before they Echoed into Static. As a side effect of this, Mason was capable of vocalizing the Soulscreams and Soulsongs of other players.

When communicating verbally, Mason’s voice possessed a strange, watery effect to it, although it only infrequently affected their capacity to be understood.

As a result of their Localization being affected by the infinite nature of Atlantis, Mason was capable of perceiving alternate/parallel realities as multiple visually overlapping images, although this gave them a severe headache and often results in unclear visual noise.

Due to their botched Localization, part of Mason’s Adaptations include a venomous bite, causing minor numbness and paralysis.


  • As long as something is ‘food’, Mason saw no problem with consuming it. Wyatt Mason IV once witnessed Wyatt Mason III drop a burrito on the ground outside the Taqueria, pick it up, and continue eating it.
  • Mason also expresses interest in consuming spicy milk (a creation of the Mexico City Wild Wings).
  • Mason preferred cold temperatures, and can be found hiding in freezers if a sufficiently-sized one is available.
  • Similarly to Wyatt Mason IV, Mason has never met an alternate of themself physically face-to-face while in Atlantis, although this was likely due to their short stay with the team and not an intrinsic property.
  • There are unconfirmed reports of Mason haunting the gaming consoles of Ankle Halifax, as well as another Georgias player’s copy of Flinal Flantasy 7: Dirge of Triberus.
  • Before their Static, Mason had a developing interest in photography.


Text Works

Fan Art