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Revision as of 05:54, 8 January 2022 by Cooloak (talk | contribs) (created page)

Static is a player Modification that removes a player entirely from their team. There are several ways a player can become Static.



The first time we saw players become Static was on Season 14, Day 77, when Wyatt Mason IXof the New York Millennials and Wyatt Mason XI of the Core Mechanics attempted to Echo one another. Both players were removed from their team's roster and given the Static modification in place of their Echo.

Over the course of Season 14, all but two of the Wyatt Masons Echoed each other into static, as well as Wyatt Quitter, who had previously had their Receiver made into Echo.


On Season E, Day 9, Minneapolis Truckers player Megan Ito stole The Force Field from Parker MacMillan. Parker then Super Roamed to an unknown team, leaving the Truckers  Unstable. On day 13, the Truckers were incinerated and left the League for the Hall of Flame. However, since Ito had the Force Field, they were unable to leave their current location- which was simultaneously both on the Truckers and in the League. This left Ito in a state of Superposition, causing them to Echo themself 99 times, become Static, and drop the Force Field (which was otherwise not able to be dropped.) Ito's  Alternate, New Megan Ito, was Called to join the replacement team, the Boulders Bay Birds.


In the final Election of each Short Circuit, Fans could vote for one player on their team to Charge the Microphone, which made the player Static. In total, there will be 4 circuits, although one of them was only for developer testing and only revealed to us later. It also only revealed 14 of the teams' Charge choices. Assuming Circuit 4's Charge works the same way the previous ones have and that the ten unseen Circuit 1 Charges did actually happen, there will be 96 Static Short Circuit players.

Other Notes

Alternate Recievers

In the _____ episode of Inside a Blaseball[citation needed], the live Q&A streams with The Game Band, it was confirmed that giving a  Receiver the  Alternate modification would replace them with a Static player. This means fans could theoretically get one of the Circuit players into the main League. Unfortunately for this plan, there have only been 4 Receivers in the history of the League: NaN, Sixpack Dogwalker, Wyatt Quitter, and Moses Mason. Of them, NaN and Quitter were Echoed (with Quitter later Echoing into Static), Moses Mason was incinerated in Season 16, and Dogwalker has been in the Canada Moist Talkers' Shadows since the Season 16 Election.

Currently Static Players

do this eventually lol. theres gonna be 99 of them