Yellowstone Magic

From Blaseball Wiki

"Welcome to Yellowstone National Park, home of prismatic pools, erupting geysers, rolling rivers, ancient stone formations, bison, and the Yellowstone Magic! Come see the natural wonders of the park in the day, and come nightfall, marvel as the ballpark converges and the players emerge from the forest! Cheer on the home team as they stride across (and steal!) the miles between bases, confound opponents with their mystical tricks, and whip fastballs into the ethereal plane! See the stars on and above the field, feel the thrum of Ol’ Faithful, and believe in the Magic! Stop by the park office to meet a ranger and collect your complimentary party hat, while supplies last." -- Introductory Video from Yellowstone National Park (Ballpark)

The Yellowstone Magic are a Blaseball team in the Chaotic Good division of the Good League. They have been a part of the Blaseball League since Season 1[1]. They are coached by Alf Merlinmeyer the Prophesied. Originally owned by the Oconnor family, the family abandoned the team after the incineration of Famous Oconnor. The Magic are currently owned by the eccentric Park Service.

The Magic play at Yellowstone National Park (Ballpark), located in Yellowstone National Park (Parkpark).

The Magic are particularly well known to fans of the IBL for their seemingly supernatural ability to steal bases, and boast two of the best runners league wide.

The Ancestral Bat of the Magic is Ol' Faithful, hewn from a branch of the oldest pine tree in Yellowstone. It was sealed away under the ballpark for fear of its immense extradimensional power between Season One and the first Postseason. Many Magic fans speculate that this is why the Magic fell from number one seed to a first round loss in the postseason. The Oconnors lobbied to have the bat brought back. Merlinmeyer forbade it.

The Yellowstone Magic pull their rookies from various teams in The Underleagues, including the Great Smoky Mountain Druids, the Grand Canyon Sorcerers, and the Glacier Warlocks. They generally do not accept players from the Yosemite Slams, as it causes too many clerical errors.






  • King Weatherman, rival of the Yellowstone Magic, may be a resident of Bluesky, the ██████ █████ ███████████ territorial Yellowstone National Park (parkpark). Some druids among the senior members of the Magic administration are convinced the Weatherman is trying to meddle with the weather over Yellowstone, in an attempt to gain the Ol' Faithful bat.
  • Due to a large amount of spelunking and skydiving-related disappearances, speculations have been made that a mysterious force exists deep in the Yellowstone Caverns.
  • Hot dogs are believed to be "good luck" after Halexandrey Walton coughed up a "nearly perfectly spherical" chunk of rotten sausage meat after winning a particularly vicious game against the Kansas City Breath Mints. As a result of this, many of Presto's pro/post-game cookouts are treated as highly spiritual rituals. Note: Corn dogs "count".
  • A disproportionately large amount of Blue Sky Natural Soda cans have been found littered in both treetops and by cave openings by the 300 trained birds of Yellowstone National Park; this has led to a belief that some alchemical properties exist in the beverage.
  • The waters of Yellowstone National Park are famed for their magical potential, particularly for scrying and alchemy. Local splorts fans are known to follow Washer Barajas around in attempt to collect “samples” from them, much to geys chagrin.
  • Mild game delays occur for innings played after 12:00 PM and before 1:00 PM. This period of time is referred to "The Pitching Hour" by the Magic. This midday Blaseball counterpart to the Witching Hour allegedly increases the pitching prowess of whoever stands on the mound. The delays occur from attempts to stall the opponents pitch as long as possible by performing "powerful counter-rites" to undo the positive energy given to the pitcher. In reality, these "counter-rites" consist of yelling at the enemy pitcher as they prepare to throw, attempting to distract them. This has not been ruled unsplortsmanlike, although most teams the Magic play frown upon this behavior strongly.
  • Following an incredible influx of peanuts and the subsequent plague of birds at Blaseball leagues, Yellowstone National Park has forbidden any and all magics that involve the conjuring, speed-growing or any other mass production of peanuts.

Season Results

Season Record Win % Place in CG Division Season Notes
1* 62-35 .626 1st Eliiminated in the postseason by the Boston Flowers
2 49-50 .494 3rd

* Season 1 is missing the results of Day 98 and 99's games. Blaseball has been lost.

Common Chants

Fan chants are carefully vetted by the Park Service for adverse mystical potential before being allowed during a live blaseball game.

  • As Above! (Followed by) So Below!
  • Leave no trace!
  • HOCUS POCUS (clap clap clapclapclap)
  • Pack it in! (Followed by) Pack it out!
  • (During home games) This is where the magic happens!
  • (For Washer Barajas) Wash em out!
  • (For Francisco Preston) That's my dad!
  • (For Bevan Wise) Wise up Bevan!
  • (For Richard Turqoise) TURQ!
  • (For Penelope Mathews) Lucky Penny!
  • (For Halexandrey Walton) Hex em Halex!
  • (For Curry Aliciakeyes) Spice it up!
  • (For Cory Twelve) Atta bot!
  • (For Cory Twelve) You're doing great sweetie!
  • (For Yeong-Ho Garcia) Let's Go Yeong-Ho!


The Yellowstone Magic have not just one Mascot, but a Wizard's Council of Mascots. This is based on the Air Bud Principle (there's no rule in blaseball that says you can't have multiple mascots.) The exact number of mascots is unkown and unkowable, but Magic fans speculate that anywhere between 40 and 70 percent of all animal life in Yellowstone National Park may be mascots. When approached, the National Park Service declined to comment.

Names given to Mascots are simply what we the Magic calls them, their true names are unknown. These names are either unkowable, or the mascots are just shy. Theories about size limitations of mascots are best left unexplored as realizing the fact that there could be microscopic mascots around us right now, or that one day a leviathan class mascot could walk out from behind Mount Washburn can be very distressing to us simple splortsfans. Known Mascots include:

  • Archmage Hexley
  • Barry Bison Bones
  • Tycho "T" Rex
  • My Dad
Barry Bison Bones
Barry Bison Bones (Credit @Aarquus)
Tycho "T" Rex
A Poster for the Magic, depicting buffalo mascot My Dad (credit: @suttonpicklesteinismywife)
Archmage Hexley
Archmage Hexley (Credit @Aarquus)

Bird Facts

Yellowstone is protected by an incredible variety of birds. There are over 300 species native to the park, covering thousands of individuals.

However, while there are many birds, only 300 have been successfully trained in Yellowstone's defence.

Fan Art

Logo by Cobaltcakes.

Arcane Research
