The Pillars (Structure)

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The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

The Pillars are a phenomenon and loose collection of Structures found in and around the Core(Not to be confused with the Core Mechanic’s stadium or the object referenced in the Library. See The Pillars (Disambiguation) for more.)

The Pillars are many and various. Many theories have been put forth regarding their function, origin, and properties, all of which are far from settled. Overall, the only consistent traits all Pillars seem to share are their collective strangeness, and the fact that they are much, much taller than they are wide.

Some believe that the Pillars serve a larger metaphysical purpose, acting as some sort of grounding or foundation holding the universe, or just the Core, together. While this is easily believable for some Pillars, several have been used against this theory, either clearly being constructed more recently than the start of the universe or being some form of base naturally occurring phenomena.

More are always being discovered and new tests are always being run, leading to records being quickly outdated.

Pillar Database

The B.A.C.K. Archives have several entries on "Pillars" on record. Displayed below is a randomly selected entry. This time, the Interdimensional Rumor Mill reveals a Rumor from IF-18.321 out of its Rumor Registry...

Child’s Ramshackle Pillar


The Child’s Ramshackle Pillar


Object / Landmark


Pillar, Monster, Child, Constructed, Wood, Mundane


Located in a cave branch near the surface, several kilometers out from DownTown. This cave branch has no known access points from the surface.


The Child's Ramshackle Pillar is made of loose construction materials, mostly wood, thought to be from the 1850’s, haphazardly bolted, tied, stacked, and glued together. On a large panel of wood near the base, there is a carving consisting of the words “we built this” and two figures, one large humanoid with many arms and no discernible face, and what appears to be a young girl. Despite the haphazard and inconsistent construction, it is structurally sound and expected to last for hundreds of years before maintenance is needed.

Additional Names :

The name is often shortened to "The Child's Pillar", and is sometimes referred to as "The Wooden Pillar".