Broken Ridge Jazz Hands

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Revision as of 17:44, 4 August 2020 by Mystical Mothman (talk | contribs) (Updated page to reflect Ogden Mendoza's incineration, and eir replacement by August Sky)

The Breckenridge Jazz Hands are a Blaseball team in the Chaotic Evil division of the Evil League. They have been a part of the Blaseball League since Season 1.

The Jazz Hands home games are played in a stadium known as The Pocket. Regardless of the weather outside the stadium, inside of The Pocket it is always snowing. The mascot of The Breckenridge Jazz Hands as of Season 3 is the Breckenridge Slide-Trombone Bolter.





The team has no coach as the players believe their best blaseball is played when the team is just jamming and not following a plan. This feeling was summed by Lowe Forbes, saying "blaseball is all about going out there and listening to each other, not some coach".

Campos Arias echoed this point, saying "It's about the groove of it all. About feeling in sync with your players, and riffing off of each other. You can't focus too much on what's happening on the field, you've got to watch for the plays we're not making to really see what's going on."

The team refused to comment further as Campos and Lowe had explained it perfectly.

In Memoriam


The fans of the Breckenridge Jazz Hands are known as the Breckenridge Jazz Hands' Band. They are known for performing the unofficial fight song of the Breckenridge Jazz Hands, the Breckenridge Jazz Hands' Band Stand Chant, which often lasts for hours. More than once, the Breckenridge Jazz Hands' Band have continued the Breckenridge Jazz Hands Band Stand Chant for hours after a game has ended, sometimes continuing the chant until the next game begins, which causes it to begin all over. Fans are also encouraged bring musical instruments to Jazz Hands games, with impromptu music performances often breaking out in the stands.

Fans have also been known to chant "CATCH πŸ‘ THESE πŸ‘ HANDS πŸ‘" and its variant "CAN'T πŸ‘ CATCH πŸ‘ THESE πŸ‘ HANDS πŸ‘" It is currently unknown how fans can vocalize the sound of an emoji. They can also be heard yelling "GET THE JAZZ IN YOUR HANDS" and "GET YOUR HANDS IN THE GAME" as a call and response.


The team is in an official rivalry with the Canada Moist Talkers ever since Season 2, when the Jazz Hands and Moist Talkers ended the season with a tied win-loss ratio. The contract to make the rivalry official was signed by β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ representing Breckenridge and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ representing Canada. Neither has been seen since.

In their rivalry, the Jazz Hands invoked a curse upon the Moist Talkers, declaring that they shall suffer "The Dry Silence." What exactly the Dry Silence is, how it would affect the Moist Talkers, or if it has already taken place, is unclear.

Season Results

Season 1:

Season 2: 55-44, entered the playoffs as 4th seed from the Evil League. Defeated the Hades Tigers 3-2 in the quarterfinals. Lost 3-0 to the Philly Pies in the Semifinals.

Fan Art

Logo by Cobaltcakes.

Official fight song (by MackToTheFuture):

We are here for the Jazz Hands

They're here for the Jazz Hands Band

We're the team you just can't stop

The commissioner is doing a great job