Kichiro Guerra

From Blaseball Wiki

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Kichiro Guerra (Kichi) is a batter for the San Francisco Lovers, and has been active since Season 1.

Official League Records

At the end of Season 2, Guerra's star rating increased from ★ to ★★★★★ after being blessed with BLOODLUST. Later, on day 89 of Season 3, Guerra's star rating decreased from ★★★★★ to ★★★★ after swallowing a stray peanut.

As of the end of Season 3, Guerra was the only known Blaseball player to hit for the cycle on Season 3, day 35 against the Boston Flowers. This achievement was obtained with only 4 plate appearances.


The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Kichiro describes themself as a shy, introverted fan of anime and hugging. Due to health complications they lived a sheltered childhood and never saw much of the world at large. In the times leading up to their Blaseball career they were largely described as a "Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure" by those that knew them.

Kichiro met Knight Urlacher at YaoiCon 20XX and they fell in love due to their shared interest in wholesome romantic pursuits and Tadashi Yamaguchi from Haikyuu!! When plans to form the Lovers Blaseball team were being carried out, Knight convinced Kichiro to join last minute as a batter to help them overcome their fear of social interaction.

During the events of Seasons 1-2 Kichiro experienced more of the outside world and the splort of Blaseball. While they did enjoy getting to play the game with their partners, they experienced for the first time what the real world was truly like. Kichiro was shocked and disturbed by the absence of True Love in the world and at the end of Season 2 their resolve was tested resulting in a dramatic change.

During the Pre-season Kichiro went on a quest to find ancient relics of True Love left behind by the Paramours of old. They were successful, finding an ancient shrine in the heart of San Francisco where a Love Spirit beseeched Kichiro to don the ancient Intimacy Regalia and become an avatar of Love to bring True Love back to the world.

Now blessed with the power of the Love Spirit, Kichiro is able to undergo a Magical Transformation when they utter the phrase "Time to pucker up!" causing the Ancient Intimacy Regalia to be summoned via a long sequence of close-up shots coupled with their theme song. Once transformed, Kichiro becomes Kissin' Kichiro and gains huge boosts to their Blaseball stats.


  • In 2020, Kaleidovision announced plans to create an anime series based on the splort of Blaseball. It is reported that when Kichiro heard this news they got so excited they shrieked at supersonic frequencies for half an hour and then passed out.
