Randy Castillo

From Blaseball Wiki
Randy A by Curseofscots, Randy 1 by @mnsoleart

Randy Castillo was a player in the Shadows for the Hades Tigers, and was with the team from Season β1 until Fall Ball.

Official League Records

Castillo joined the ILB as a lineup player for the Hades Tigers with the Return of Blaseball.

On Season β9, Day 6, at the top of the eighth inning, Randy Callisto drew a walk with the bases loaded and somehow scored, possibly due to Zion Aliciakeyes being on a secret base at the time, resulting in the only known instance of a Home Walk recorded thus far.[1]

During the Coffee Cup, Castillo played for Cream & Sugar United as a lineup player.

On Season β12, Day 110, Castillo stole home against the Hellmouth Sunbeams, putting the Tigers into a 4-3 lead, which they then converted into a victory. This was a remarkable moment for Castillo, a player with few career steal attempts and twice as many caught as succeeded. After the Tigers' championship victory this season, Castillo Evolved to Base 1.

During the Season β16 elections, Castillo gained the Late to the Party modifcation via the Fashionably Late blessing.

On Season β17, Day 30, Castillo drained blood from Rat Mason of the LA Unlimited Tacos, increasing their defence to . Castillo later Partied on Day 85, increasing their overall star total 8.4 10.1 .

During the Season β20 elections, Castillo's stats were rerolled and they gained the Alternate and Negative modifications as a result of the Couldn't Hurt blessing.

On Season β22, Day 35, Castillo retreated to the Tigers' Shadows in exchange for Daniel Koch at Sixth Circle Stadium via the Ratified Voicemail.

Player History

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Randy Castillo refers to a pair of entities that share a slot on the Hades Tigers batting lineup. Randy Castillo the human (often referred to as "Randy A" by fans) and Randy Castillo the poltergeist (referred to as "Randy 1") take turns as members of the lineup, allowing the other the rare luxury of personal time during an active Blaseball season.

Randy Castillo, Ordinary Human

Randy Castillo (Hereafter referred to as Randy A) is a Black Ecuadorian player born March 20, 1987 just outside of Memphis, turned pro relatively late in his career, owing to his family obligations and a string of bad luck in his early twenties. He played for two years as an outfielder in the Memphis Redbirds before getting called down to the Hades Tigers. Having expected to play for the St. Louis Cardinals, this was slightly surprising, but he has flourished as a member of the Tigers. Great job, Randy!

Randy A met his partner João after almost taking his head off breaking through the Redbirds' batting cage. Randy A was mortified at the near-miss, and spent the rest of the afternoon profusely apologising. João was touched and a little embarrassed by the concern, and the two of them eventually started a relationship. João is a CPA, and at the time was working for the Redbirds' financial offices. An ex-pat Brazilian, João has very strong opinions on what a barbecue should be; just as strong as Randy A's, but very, very different.

Asked what it was like moving to Hades, Randy A simply said, "it's a little warm, but the community is nice." He is frequently seen video-calling his husband and children back in Memphis, who are very proud of him but couldn't adjust to the Hades heat. Randy A often travels home to spend time with them when Randy 1 is playing, as the commute between Memphis and Hades is only a few minutes.

Randy A was good friends with former Tigers batter, Landry Violence. He would often leads chants of "VIOLENCE IS THE ANSWER!" when Landry was up to bat.

Randy A has shown incredible consistency both as an outfielder and as a batter, due in part to pitchers in the Internet League being so unused to pitching to an average-sized, unaltered human. Several teams have conducted clandestine investigations into Randy A's background in an attempt to suss out what secret ability or heritage he may be hiding. So far, all reports have returned that he is, "just a guy doing his best." For his part, Randy A is on the record to state joining the Tigers to be: "the second-greatest thing that ever happened to [him]. Third-greatest. Fourth. No, third, the kids count as one, no... Don't- don't print this part."

Randy Castillo, Demonic Poltergeist

Randy Castillo (Hereafter referred to as Randy 1), is a former accountant and demonic poltergeist possessing an eternally blazing suit of armor. Randy 1 came into existence in a temporal zone equating to March 20, 1987 in Earth time and played in the Underleagues on the Thirteenth Nightmare Plane, where he proved himself a formidable player. It is suspected that the Tigers initially intended to recruit this Randy Castillo, but a clerical error resulted in them signing Randy A instead.

Randy 1 has a husband and two kids (one a human child, one a poltergeist inhabiting a broadsword). They often show up to Tigers home games to support him. When Randy A is playing, Randy 1 uses the opportunity to travel to his home plane and spend time with them.

Randy 1 is less skilled than Randy A at batting. However, he's able to make up the difference with a combination of intimidation factor and telekinetic powers, achieving similar performance overall to Randy A. He has rejected several generous offers from other teams in order to avoid giving up his unique arrangement with Randy A.


For the first three seasons of the league, Randy A had only been able to visit his family during Siestas. As most Tigers players do when confronted with severe personal issues, he approached pitching coach Kick Rocks for help. Kick Rocks offered to assist in a ritual to summon Randy 1 and ask for assistance.

The exact details of the meeting are unknown. What has been confirmed is that Randy A signed a pact with Randy 1, requiring the latter to play in the former's place while he visited his family, and for a time the terms of the contract led to a degree of hostility between them.

This changed when Randy 1 approached Randy A, begging him to play the next series so he could visit his own family after one of his sons had been injured. At this point, Randy A states, he realized that Randy 1 had offered the contract for the same reason Randy A had become a Blaseball player—to support their families. After this, the two quickly became close friends.

In addition to maintaining their shared lineup slot to allow each other to see their families during the season, during siestas and offseasons their families meet up for barbecues in the Nightmare Planes or Memphis, which both have remarked are "surprisingly similar."


Their close relationship has proven key to their most effective batting technique. When the vibe is right, Randy A will don Randy 1 as a suit of armor and the two will merge to form Ur-Randy, Render of Souls. However, as this technique prevents both of them from spending time with family, it is only deployed in the most important games. Asked about the fairness of this strategy, manager Fearful Symmetry replied "They only have one roster spot; there's no rule that says two people can't hold one position." This marks the fourth time that Symmetry has invoked Blaseball's Air Bud Clause.

To support this "Double Randy Rule", Tigers' management has insisted that both Randys are to be referred to on all official team documentation as "Randy Castillo". In order to keep them straight for bookkeeping and so on, Tigers employees have taken to writing Randy A's name in block lettering, and Randy 1's name in a script so cursed it bears no name.


  1. Game Record (via Reblase)



Randy Castillo is the focus of the following song(s):