Hawai'i Fridays

From Blaseball Wiki

The Hawaii Fridays are a Blaseball team in the Chaotic Good Division of the Good League. They are an inaugural member of the Blaseball League. Officially recognised as the most chill team, they frequently arrive late to games as they are always on island time.




Former Players

Historic Moments

  • The Bottom Ninth Hendricks Rangel Miracle (Season 2, Day 56)

Hendricks Rangel hits a grand slam during the bottom of the ninth inning to score 4 runs and SHAME against the Los Angeles Tacos.

Box score of The Bottom Ninth

  • The Bottom Ninth Miracle 2 (Season 2, Day 66)

A second grand slam only 10 days later during the bottom of the ninth inning to score 4 runs and SHAME against the Charleston Shoe Thieves. Final score 5-9.


  • The Fridays are blessed//cursed by Our Lady of Perpetual Friday. For the Fridays it is always island time. Players cannot feel the passing of the hours, Players cannot experience fear, despair, elation anything besides a heightened feeling of chill. No matter the temperature the Fridays experience the weather as a cool 70 degrees with a pleasant ocean breeze. The smell of bbq smoke lingers around them. They are fun at parties.
  • The Hawaii Fridays almost underwent a franchise name change in the lead-up to Season 2. The entirety of the naming rights contract was not able to be finalized before the season commenced due to entrepreneur/T.G.I. Friday's restaurant magnate Daniel R. Scoggin becoming lost while attempting to sail himself and his family to O'ahu for final negotiations. Mr. Scoggin was able to secure a minor sponsorship for the Mascot naming rights via teleconference from a payphone at the Ubara Beach Resort (鵜原海水浴場)[1] in the Chiba Prefecture (千葉県)[2].