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Fenestrate is a Black Muslim Egyptian who uses any pronouns. In Japanese, hie refers to hymself as watashi and others refer to hym with masculine and feminine terms interchangeably, and in Arabic hie is likewise referred to with هي/هو interchangeably. Hie is autistic and has ADHD.

Early Life

Born in Luxor, Egypt, Fenestrate spent much of hym youth wandering the city, spending hours on end in and around historical and archaeological sites. As hie grew up, hie began hearing what hie described as a form of music that could not be heard with one’s ears. When asked how one could hear music, if not with one's ears, hie was vague, saying “I dunno, I just kind of hear it with my face, you know? The normal way you hear stuff like that.” Hie has since described this phenomenon as “the universe’s symphony of resonant mundanities,” or as hie more affectionately deems it, “some real rad tunes.”

Hie started school for physics, thinking hie might be better able to share the music with others if hie studied the forces that make up the immaterial plane. Fenestrate began hym studies in Morocco and then returned to Egypt to transfer to a university in Cairo, but soon after the move hie grew completely disillusioned with academia. Hie decided hie would benefit more from self-education that was built for hym way of learning instead of in spite of it, and dropped out to pursue hym own studies.

Freed from academia but inspired by hym time in Morocco, Fenestrate sought any and all opportunities to travel and see more of the world. Meanwhile, hym efforts to find a mentor in physics were fruitful as hie came into contact with acclaimed mathematician and buff fitness buff Stijn Strongbody. The two spent some time exchanging mail about their theories. Fenestrate’s interests eventually shifted and hie became more fascinated with the history of objects and how their songs change with the events that occur in their presence. Hie dropped contact with Strongbody as hym research took hym from physics to history. Through the following years Fenestrate went through an intense punk phase, learned to play the drums, lute, and concertina, and moved to Tokyo. There, hie started rooming with future teammate Coolname Galvanic, discovered hie was aromantic after attempting to date Galvanic and breaking up on amicable terms[1], and came out as genderfluid.

Blaseball Career

After Strongbody performed what some on the Lift would later wistfully refer to as some “epic future vision math,” the events of 1997 allowed him to catch glimpses of the future where he recognized his former protege Fenestrate among the players on the yet-unformed team. The void left by the Ascension of the Baltimore Crabs and his rush to create the team of his vision prompted him to contact hym, asking whether hie would like to join. Hoping to hear Blaseball’s own unique symphonic soundscape in person, Fenestrate accepted.

Hym performance since joining the Lift has been somewhat underwhelming. Fenestrate has told reporters that the sound of a home run is like no other, and despite hym clear skill in the splort and excellent plate discipline, hie is often so focused on achieving hits with that particular resonance that hie ends up making poor contact with the ball. Hym batting career has been a long series of home runs, groundouts and flyouts, and hie is rarely actually seen on base where hie would be able to demonstrate hym baserunning prowess. Even so, hie easily remained one of the team’s better batters through the first half of the Expansion Era.

Time Spent Elsewhere

During the Lift’s final game of Season 14, Fenestrate was swept Elsewhere, and was there for the entirety of the two-year long siesta. Several months after hym return, a reporter stopped hym on the street and hie commented on a peculiar quality of the space:

“[The world] has always been a place of music to me. Every object... every being resonates with its own particular sound to create an impossible symphony beyond anything our ears can sense. Rubber-insulated wires and decomposing bark alike sing in languages I can’t really ever hope to translate for you. So while you may not quite understand the gravity of the situation, I’ll ask you to at least try to imagine what was going through my head when I was Elsewhere and everything was silent. I’ve never really experienced that before... It shook me. Yeah. I’d say it shook me far more than I would have expected.”

Despite maintaining hym usual laid-back countenance and deliberate speech patterns, hym speech became notably slower and more prone to trailing off in the middle of a sentence, and hie has conducted few talks at the Lift’s community center since hym return. After subsequent trips Elsewhere, Fenestrate appeared less outwardly shaken, but still more subdued than usual.


After the respective redaction and incineration of Lift vice-captain Lance Serotonin and captain Strongbody, Fenestrate and Gerund Pantheocide replaced them as co-captains of the Lift. While Pantheocide leapt to the task, Fenestrate found hymself thrust into the position almost by surprise as hym teammates went to hym for hym level-headed judgement and advice. While on his own, Pantheocide was too quick to follow his heart and commit wholeheartedly to the task at hand without adequately thinking things through, Fenestrate was too reluctant to commit to any course of action when so many options were available. Together, Pantheocide pulled Fenestrate out of hym comfort zone to make decisions and commit, and Fenestrate directed Pantheocide's seemingly boundless energy in more productive ways. Having previously bonded over a shared love of punk music and culture, the two further bonded through the consistent push and pull of their joint leadership that propelled the Lift forwards to their first Championship in Season 19, and became fast friends.

The high of their Turntables-induced Championship did not last for long, as the Lift experienced four roster changes in one election, Pantheocide received their first level of Ego, and Fenestrate had one of hym worst-performing seasons up until hie was swept Elsewhere on Day 59. Fenestrate arrived back, newly Negative and heavily Scattered for the first time, shortly Pantheocide's death. After a short period of mourning, Fenestrate set hym grief aside and quietly announced that hie was unfit to act as sole captain of the Lift, and advised the team against appointing a replacement in light of the demise of the previous three captains.

The Fifth Base

In Season 22, Fenestrate picked up the Fifth Base in a game against the Georgias at the very last moment, tying the game up, but put it back down in the Gym the next day, right before Super Roamin' was due to send hym to another team. Fenestrate declined to comment on what drove hym pick up the base in the first place, and what made hym change hym mind.

Personal Life

As a generally good-natured and mellow-mannered individual, Fenestrate has few troubles getting along with most members of the Lift.

Fenestrate's relationship with Strongbody was complicated, and the two remained somewhat distant and awkward up until Strongbody's incineration. Hie had admitted to feeling that he still just saw hym as the kid he mentored rather than the person that kid has become.

Hie continues to co-inhabit hym old apartment with Galvanic, and the two have a close partnership. Additionally, hie has what has been described as a “part-time queerplatonic relationship” with Grollis Zephyr, rents a makerspace in Tokyo with Concrete Mandible, Terrell Bradley, and Theodore Honeywell, and hie has also been recorded referring to the twice-late Alejandro Leaf as hym aunt on several occasions despite sharing no publicly-known familial connections. Fenestrate taught Persephone "Percy" Dumpington to use henna while she was still on the Lift, and they still meet up after Lift/Tigers series to get coffee and refresh each others' henna (Fenestrate) and paint (Dumpington).


  • Although Fenestrate is recorded as having the "Tattooing" pregame ritual, this may be a clerical error: hie actually does henna, as tattooing is haram.
  • Fenestrate is a polyglot. Hie is fluent in Egyptian Arabic, Classical Arabic, English, Japanese, ESL, and JSL, and hie has learned the basics of Spanish, Mandarin, and Hindi both from hym teammates and from traveling prior to joining the Lift.
  • Fenestrate takes a lot of comfort in cooking, and occasionally calls home for recipes from hym aunts.
  • In an interview, Fenestrate stated that if hie was to compete in any non-blaseball splort, hie would like to swim professionally.
  • Fenestrate is an accomplished glassblower. Hie makes hym own glass masks and windows, wearing different windows for different outfits and occasions. In particular, hie wears masks that incorporate the Evil Eye into the design during solar eclipses as a ward. Hie also has made Evil Eye necklaces and bracelets for all hym teammates.
  1. The date was at a local Costco. Years later, they mentioned the failed Costco Date to Pantheocide, who delightedly told Val Hitherto, and before long the entire team knew. The infamous Costco Date became a long-running joke that would culminate in many members actually going on their own ironic Costco Dates until it became a celebrated Lift tradition.