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Revision as of 07:26, 3 April 2021 by Cliff (talk | contribs)

Hi there, I'm Cliff. I'm a representative of the Tacos, and their wiki liaison, as well. If you need something, hit me up on Discord, I'm Cliff#4877.

You can mostly ignore what else is on this page though, I'm using it as a testing ground for dumb things.


Having always been a bit rootless, Wheeler was quick to start wandering through the infinite cities of Los Angeli following the Grand Unslam. He had been searching for interesting sights to see in other Los Angeli while the Unmasoning was occurring. When the Microphone picked up his localization frequency, it localized a Sexton from a different LA who had been wandering nearby, causing him to be improperly restored as Sexton Wheerer.

When Sexton reported to the dugout for blaseball in season 4, he was insistent that his name was "Wheerer", and was confused by the lack of existence of wheers. Some theorized that this may have been a Sexton from an entirely different Los Angeli, who was also a wanderer until he replaced a still missing Wheeler.

Following the Unmasoning, Wheerer's wandering intensified, leading him to continue traversing the infinite Los Angeli, in hopes of finding alternate versions of himself and finding out if he was the only Sexton to have this surreal quality.

Alternate Reality

{Use existing Wiki text} {This one can wait for a bit} I think that this one might be in a to compensate for all the games his friends could not pitch for. He stated an interest in taking a break, but "only when my friends come back."

Day X

At the end of Season 8, Pitching Machine was Shelled, leaving Wheerer as the Tacos' only active pitcher. As a result, they rose up to near the top of the Idol Leaderboard, and they pitched every single game the Tacos played in Season 9. Wheerer was already noted to be somewhat disregarding their health during this time, focusing solely on his pitching; he was reported to have rejected Mcdowell Mason's offer of use of his Baja Blast sensory deprivation tank at one point, however, due to its stickiness.

As of Season 9 Day X, Wheerer went from the only active Tacos pitcher to the only Tacos pitcher, period. When asked for comment at the time, Wheerer simply stared flatly at the reporter until teammate and friendly wrestling partner Halexandrey Walton entered the room, took one look at the tense scene, and immediately started trying to bite the reporter's kneecaps until they left. However, in a later interview during the Grand Siesta, Wheerer stated:

When I saw my teammates - my friends - walk out on that field, my heart sank, and I fell lower than I've ever been in my life. So many thoughts ran through my head at that moment, "I failed them", "*I* should be out there", "Why *them*", that as soon as our games started up and we realized that they weren't coming back even *then*, I devoted my entire existence to doing the only thing I knew how to in a misguided attempt to get them back, or *something*. I pitched day after day after day, and I realized that, even though it wasn't really doing anything to help *them*, it was letting *me* stop thinking about it. It's a really bad way of handling it, but there was no way I could face the feelings that I had failed my friends, the only thing that let me enjoy this hell-splort. Hell, I even had the thought that I'd've rather been out there than them. I wasn't happy when I was out on the mound, for those two seasons, I was just... numb. I think I saw a quote from Mcdowell [Mason] at some point that said I was just "No think, only pitch", and yeah, that's about right.
I can't go back and watch those games. It's a whole different me throwing those balls, and it was the darkest point in my career.

Throughout Season 10, Wheerer threw himself into his pitching at the cost of everything else, and was described by Team Captain Mcdowell Mason as being "on full autopilot. No think, only pitch. It was awful to watch." Wheerer used Mason's Baja Blast sensory deprivation chamber during this time despite its unpleasant stickiness, seemingly out of a lack of care for ((there's a word for this and i don't remember it)); this may have been an effective method of some recuperation. All the other Tacos tried to ensure Wheerer maintained his health during this time as much as he could, with Mcdowell especially frequently checking in on him and providing him with support. In turn, Wheerer expressed a feeling of responsibility for their teammates, especially later in the season as he started to participate in group activities again, such as touring interesting Los Angeli with teammate Basilio Fig.

Friend of Crows

In the Season 9 elections, freshly reeling from losing six - seven, counting Wyatt Dovenpart's retreat to shadows - teammates entirely, Wheerer received the Friend of Crows Modification. This, as it turned out, was just the most recent installment in Wheerer's long history with Birds; as well as having been Unshelled by them a season prior and eating one before every game as part of their pregame ritual, Wheerer first encountered Birds as a child, and thought they were tasty. His resentment towards Birds grew when the Birds Unshelled him but left all his fellow Shelled Tacos to be Subjugated onto the PODS, and he had occasionally attempted to hit birds with his pitches like Randy Blohnson.

After the Season 9 Elections, however, Birds began flocking around Wheerer and listening to his commands. It is speculated that this is because the Birds have reluctantly decided to unite with him in an effort to take down their common enemy, the Shelled One. In addition, upon becoming a Friend of Crows, Wheerer may or may not have also gained a set of crow-like pegasus wings. These are a cool gift from the birds. The Birds have demonstrated signs of care for Wheerer, preening these wings and grooming his hair and fur.

Now that he has gained some level of friendship with these Birds, Wheerer has been noted to no longer grab a Bird directly out of the sky for their pregame ritual, instead bringing a bucket of Klentucky Frlied Chicken to games. Either the bucket itself or the chicken in it is often wrapped in a tortilla to make it even more of a taco. When asked about his preference for chicken, Wheerer stated "It's one of my comfort foods and is a really good texture. When I ain't having a great day, I only want to eat food what has a nice predictable texture, and that's chicken. Them crows ain't opposed, and I think I'm startin' to like them crows, those jerks."

Peace, Prosperity, and Peanut Bong

With the start of the era of Peace and Prosperity, the knowledge that his friends were at least okay (if no longer on the same team as him), and the ability to no longer pitch every game, Wheerer was finally able to take a break. This allowed the sheer number of games he had pitched over the past three seasons - two hundred in a row - to finally catch up to him, and him to realize just how exhausted he was; but it also allowed him to have games off and start taking better care of himself.

However, Peace and Prosperity had one additional "gift" for Wheerer: the addition of Peanut Bong to the Tacos' rotation. Wheerer was initially somewhat annoyed to have them on the team: "out of all the players what could have rejoined our team-- Patel, Aly, Quitter-- we got this kid. Feels like a cruel joke." He avoided Bong for a decent part of the season, out of a combination of bad memories of watching the PODS and concern for his own superallergy, while also being almost more stressed when Bong was pitching out of a hesitation to trust them on the mound.

Over the course of Season 11, Wheerer gradually came to be friends with Bong, starting after Taco Tuesday when it was made very clear to the Tacos that runs do not really matter. This now allowed him to express his immense relief at no longer having to pitch every game.

During the Grand Siesta, Wheerer got physical therapy to recuperate from his very long pitching streak. He also became closer friends with his teammates, including Bong. The end of Peace and Prosperity, meanwhile, was not quite so restful for Wheerer. When the Tacos first heard the news about Wyatt Quitter shelling Denzel Scott, Wheerer was effectively in denial and resolved to ignore it. He did, however, end up watching when Bong tasted the infinite and shelled Nerd Pacheco.

This ain't good. This really ain't good. I can't protect my friends from being Shelled again, and I can't protect 'em from Shelling anyone else, and... I don't want to blame the kid, y'know? And I don't want them to feel I'm scared of them, because that ain't what they need in their life... but- but I'm just a bit wary, is all.

The era of Peace and Prosperity was over. When Bong was shadowed at the end of Season 12, it came as a relief to both of them.