Yellowstone Magic

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 01:33, 30 July 2020 by Jkappas1550 (talk | contribs)

The Yellowstone Magic are a Blaseball team in the Chaotic Good division of the Good League. They have been a part of the Blaseball League since Season 1. Their stadium is located at the intersection of leylines deep within Yellowstone National Park, and is a extradimensional space. The park is a tesseract of magical energies, full of arcane souvenir shops and concessions stands selling the Forbidden Snacks. Depsite ending Season 1 as top seed in the playoffs, they were swept out early. No players of the Magic have yet been incinerated by The Umpires.




Season Results

  • To be added


The Yellowstone Magic have not just one Mascot, but a Wizard's Council of Mascots. This is based on the Air Bud Principle (there's no rule in blaseball that says you can't have multiple mascots.) The exact number of mascots is unkown and unkowable, but Magic fans speculate that anywhere between 20 and 70 percent of all animal life in Yellowstone may be mascots. When approached, the National Park Service declined to comment. Known Mascots include:

  • Archmage Hexley
  • Barry Bison Bones
  • Tycho "T" Rex
  • My Dad
Archmage Hexley
Archmage Hexley (Credit @Aarquus)
Barry Bison Bones
Barry Bison Bones (Credit @Aarquus)
Tycho "T" Rex

Fan Art