
From Blaseball Wiki

For the Modifications which make players Over- or Underperform in the Midseason, see Middling.
For the Modifications which make players Over- or Underperform in the Lateseason, see Late to the Party.
For the Modifications which make players Over- or Underperform in the Postseason, see Ambitious.

Earlbirds is a Modification, first seen as a Team Modification in Season 12 and a player Modification in Season 16.


Earlbirds causes players or teams to gain the  Overperforming modification in the Earlseason.


Earlbirds was first seen as a part of the Earlbirds blessing in the Season 12 Elections. It was won by the Canada Moist Talkers, to be used in the Season 13 Earlseason.

Earlbirds was then made an option for fans to give their teams via Enrich Wills in Seasons 13 and 14. The Breckenridge Jazz Hands Enriched themselves in the Season 13 Elections, giving themselves Earlbirds for Season 14.

Earlbirds was available as a permanent player modification in Season 16 as part of the Early Riser Blessing. The Charleston Shoe Thieves won the blessing, giving Esme Ramsey the modification.


  • Earlbirds is the only Schedule-based Modification that makes players Overperform without an equivalent Underperforming-inducing Modification.
  • The name "Earlbirds" is mostly likely a reference to the phrase "the early bird gets the worm[1]". In spite of this idiom, the Ohio Worms have only played a total of two series against Earlbirds during Earlseasons.
    • The Jazz Hands faced the Ohio Worms for their opening series of Season 14 - and swept the series winning all three games.
    • Esme Ramsey's only Earlseason encounter with the Worms was in Season 20, Days 22-24. In the first game of the series, Ramsey hit two home runs from four plate appearances.