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Revision as of 17:04, 4 October 2020 by Pitapot (talk | contribs)

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This page contains FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE: information about the game of Blaseball that has not been revealed by Blaseball itself. This knowledge may diminish the mysteriousness of the game. Proceed at your own discretion.

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It begins.


Randall Marijuana has given 38 cats a new home in his Cáfe so far.

Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Pepperjack Cheez-its, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Zoomies, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Tacocat, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Clonk Fuzzball the Third, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Grant Hayden, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Gumball, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Goldenclaw, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Vincent the Unknowable, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Sutton Bishop, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Mr. Mlistoffelees, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Salamancer, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Gloopy Crow, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Potsie Palaver, , Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-You, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Scratch Deleuze, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Kremit, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Ren Morin, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Mouse, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Lightning, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-XAIIEOIAA, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Randall, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Crunchy, Splotchy, Lumpy, and Spikey, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Artemis, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Gorilla Glue, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Diogenes, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Scuttlebug, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Asparagus, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Hype Train, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Socks, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Frank, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Snugglewumps, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Lil Migs, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Holly, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Charlemange, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Garlic, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-The Vandall, Randall Marijuana's Cat/C-Riddle

New Seasons Creator

Listing of other pages that might be Tests

Game Record Test

Season 6 game log
Days 1-9: 2-7 (Home: 0-3 ; Away 2-4)
Day Opponent Weather Score Shame Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Record Streak/Recap
9 @KCBM Reverb 6-0   Morse Guerra 2-7 W2
1 @YELL Blooddrain 3-4 Shame Garcia Forbes 0-1 L1
Days 10-18: 2-7 (Home: 0-3 ; Away 2-4)
Day Opponent Weather Score Shame Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Record Streak/Recap

9 @KCBM Reverb 6-0   Morse Guerra 2-7 W2
1 @YELL Blooddrain 3-4 Shame Garcia Forbes 0-1 L1