Squid Broom

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Revision as of 22:36, 9 June 2023 by Waveridden (talk | contribs) (gamma 4 player)
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Short Circuits
Information on this page pertains to events in a temporary universe and may have minimal long-term bearing on the game.

Squid Broom was a player in the shadows for the Yellowstone Magic, and competed in Gamma 4.

Official League Records

Broom was first seen as a player in the shadows for the Yellowstone Magic after the Microphone Localized and Tuned into Gamma 4.

On Season 1, Day 17, Broom was exchanged to the Boston Flowers via Feedback. They were replaced by Peyton Drysdale. During the Party Planning election, Broom attended the Flowers’ Rager, resulting in a combined 11.3 11.8 stat increase. On Season 1, Day 153, Broom was exchanged to the Hawai'i Fridays via Feedback. They were replaced by Lucius Prince. Despite the Feedback, Broom remained on the Flowers roster for the remainder of the season and continued playing for the Flowers. During the Gamma 4, Season 1 Charges election, although Broom was technically on the Fridays, they were targeted to be Charged by the Flowers, gaining the  Static,  Static, and  Static modifications and being removed from the Flowers’ roster.