Frankie Incarnate/IF-80.772

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< Frankie Incarnate

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Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Rumors about Frankie Incarnate at their Rumor Registry.

“Frankie Incarnate” is a collective name for three people: Fran, Rehnka, and Ankie. The relationship between the three is unclear, rumored to be a grandmother-mother-daughter trio, three strangers who just happen to work well together, or siblings. The three of them each contribute something different to the process of meat whispering. Reports conflict on their abilities, but beliefs include the following:

  • One can see the past, one can see the present, one can see the future
  • One can only speak in past tense, one can only speak in present tense, one can only speak in future tense
  • One can tell only the truth, one has no idea what’s going on, one is actively trying to scam you
  • One represents coleslaw, one represents macaroni salad, one hates mayonnaise
  • One is good at blaseball, one is bad at blaseball, one is bad at blaseball because they think they’re playing flootball

On the Dallas Steaks

In the Season 19 Earlsiesta, Incarnate was granted the Seeker modification. Fran, Ankie, and Rehnka often split the duties of seeking: Ankie would go into the immateria, Rehnka would help them navigate to their teammate who was elsewhere, and Fran would guide them home.

Incarnate became good friends with Knight Triumphant, helping them settle onto the team. The two joined the Steaks about a season apart, both under difficult circumstances, and Incarnate was happy to help them adjust to Dallas. Triumphant, who was more than used to singular entities with multiple bodies, became a close friend to Incarnate.

As time went on and the Steaks’ grief over Abbott’s death subsided, the individuals that comprise Incarnate also formed relationships. Fran and Orville Manco are both fans of jazz, and spend their time listening to music together. Rehnka and Leach Herman just enjoyed sitting in silence together. Ankie became close friends with Kline Greenlemon, often exploring Dallas together.

Redaction & Attraction to Tokyo Lift

Early in Season 24, Incarnate became agitated after grilling sessions. They refused to tell the Steaks what was going on, but even the non-sear seers on the team could tell that the sear marks on all of Incarnate’s food looked strange.

These prophecies culminated when Incarnate was Redacted in the midseason. They emerged two days later and were attracted to the Tokyo Lift. The shock of their transition was eased by two former teammates, Engine Eberhardt and Kline Greenlemon, who took turns helping take care of Incarnate as they recovered.

Incarnate eventually realized that the Lift were steering through the Immateria trying to reach the Horizon. They immediately took up grilling again, now using the Lift’s homemade gyoza to help divine the safest path. Incarnate worked closely with Ankle Halifax, who was in charge of steering the ship. Before the Lift were nullified, Incarnate and Halifax were last seen spreading out a selection of meats, trying to decide which way to steer.