
From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 08:50, 1 April 2021 by Jayemaul (talk | contribs)

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

The Spearmint is the apex predator of The Meadow, the home ballpark of the Kansas City Breath Mints. Spearmint attacks are often lethal or life-threatening, and have targeted players, staff, and fans alike. As such, visitors are encouraged to be prepared to run for their life at any moment. This is conveyed in very small font on each ticket purchased, as well a waiver relieving Management of any liability.

The Spearmint's primary hunting grounds include the tall grasses of the open meadow on the outskirts of town, as well as the adjacent parking lot. The full extent of the Spearmint's territory has not yet been determined, and may into greater Kansas City.

While often confused for Breath Mints mascot Kacey Greens Jr., any connection between the two remains unknown.

Community Reports

  • Hewitt Best has attributed his impressive speed in part due to the practice he receives running from the Spearmint, and has acknowledged it as an large aspect of the team's baserunning training.
  • Teammates have reported that Rodriguez Internet has almost lost their life numerous times to the Spearmint, usually due to tripping on his large JNCO jeans, only to be saved by clipping through the immateria of the meadow. Internet has stated that he will not be getting different pants.
  • After several attending Shoe Thieves fans went missing during games, Dickerson Morse "detectived" that these fans had fallen prey to the Spearmint, unable to resist the temptation of Kansas City's Most Dangerous Kicks. Management did not seem bothered by this.
  • During Season 14, Breath Mints hitter Joshua Watson was presumed dead for 19 days, with the Spearmint as a prime suspect in their death. Eventually it was discovered that Watson had simply been swept Elsewhere for the duration, and that everyone watching the game had actually seen that happen.
  • An anonymous source has reported that the name "Spearmint" appears on the teams payroll. However, this may be