Emblem Warhorse/IF-64.66

From Blaseball Wiki

Siti Wardah

Siti Wardah (see-tee wahr-dah), nicknamed “CT”, became a Patron after mistaking the Emblem Warhorse as a meetup place for nerds interested in the study of historical emblems and/or the involvement of horses in war. Initially embarrassed by her blunder, Siti started frequenting the bar for its welcoming community and atmosphere instead.

A trans feminine (she/her) Malay American of 27 years, she works as a shelver in a library close to the bar. She regards the blaseball historian Lōotcrates as a personal enemy, quoted as having said: “I’d like nothing more than to take a whack at them, like the piñata at my 13th birthday party! Except this time with a bat, or maybe even my crowbar… oh, whoops.”

Siti refuses to give any comment on her apparent ownership of a crowbar.

Harbouring a secret interest in the Javanese “Kuda Kepang/Lumping” traditional dance, the other Patrons encouraged Siti to be more open with her hobby, to which she happily obliged. Consequentially, she will make anyone a tiny paper version of the eponymous “kuda” if they ask her nicely for one. But they have to be nice. Or else.

The majority of her time spent at the bar is now dedicated to learning and practicing the dance, the other Patrons cheering her on and sometimes even joining in. Siti has declared fellow bar regular Lemon Lime in particular as her favourite dance practice partner, the two of them often tearing up the dance floor with their rattan horses.


  • She is a teetotaller, so she won’t take alcoholic drinks. However, she does enjoy a good virgin bloody mary, which she refers to as “fancy tomato soup, but, like, cold for some reason?” It’s unknown if she understands that bloody mary is in fact, a drink, and not a soup.
  • Her instrument is the angklung, and she keeps a single-pitch angklung at the Emblem Warhorse’s storeroom. Her emblem is on a brooch that she pins onto her shawl.
  • Despite being a Patron of the Emblem Warhorse, Siti doesn’t actually play blaseball. Instead, when she gets spat out by the bar when it’s her turn to play, she simply goes and takes a seat in the stands, necessitating another Patron to come through and play for her. This is entirely intentional on her part; why the Emblem Warhorse allows for this is unknown, but it may or may not involve her entirely hypothetical ownership of a crowbar.
  • Being a huge fan of horses, Siti gets very excited when Summers Pony is up to bat.