Emblem Warhorse/IF-3.120

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< Emblem Warhorse

Revision as of 15:51, 13 June 2021 by Peaksykid (talk | contribs) (Added Fammy and War to the IRM for patrons of the Emblem Warhorse.)
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Patron Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Patron Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Patron Rumors about Emblem Warhorse at their Patron Rumor Registry.
Fammy and War are respectively a three-legged basset hound and a grey cat. War sits irritably on top of a bar counter.
Fammy and War, by Tigrishades

Famine, or “Fammy,” and War are two Patrons of the Emblem Warhorse who are rarely seen separated, as they were both found on the doorstep of the bar on the same rainy Seattle night huddled together for warmth. The two of them were immediately brought inside by other Patrons, warmed up and dried off, and given a bit of TLC, and have been beloved members of the establishment ever since.

“Fammy'' is a stumpy-legged basset hound, and War is a bedraggled-looking grey cat. Neither of them are in violation of the Emblem Warhorse bar’s strict “no quadrupeds” rule, as Fammy is missing his back leg and War is never seen walking on the ground inside the bar with all four feet, preferring to only sit upon counters or to be carried around by a Patron of the bar.

War is notorious for being wildly rude and feisty to all non-Patron visitors to the Emblem Warhorse, but she has been spotted acting perfectly agreeable and affectionate to its regulars, tending to nestle herself on laps at the bar or even in purses or backpacks, but never touching the ground.

In contrast, Fammy is known for being very friendly to all who visit and all who stay, with one caveat--he is absolutely unquenchably hungry. Despite being fed a very generous diet of organic dog food by Emmie and Madame Warhorse, and despite several checkups by a local Seattle veterinarian finding nothing medically an issue with him, he is a veritable bottomless pit of hunger, and will gladly take any tapas, fries, and fish and chips scraps off the hands of Patrons and visitors alike. He has even been known to catch salmon out of the air during salmon-weather games.

Fammy and War’s relatively cute demeanor under the right circumstances has led several other Patrons to use some photos and videos of them on flyers promoting a fund drive for local Seattle animal shelters so that other strays might find homes like they did. They seemed mostly alright with being the stars of the photoshoot, though Fammy of course demanded several dog treats and half of a beef slider as compensation. The Emblem Warhorse has heard back on several occasions from adopting families in thanks for raising awareness about rescue cats and dogs, and the fundraiser has become an annual event.

Their Emblems are both located on pet tags on their collars. On the field, War is more likely to strike out while Fammy tends to get out while attempting to steal, as his boundless enthusiasm (and strong sense of smell in pinpointing snack foods in the distance) tends to clash with his diminutive size and running speed.

Typical questions about the whereabouts of Death and “that Pest” are usually met with a scowl and rolled eyes.