Wyatt Quitter/IF-1667

From Blaseball Wiki
Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Rumors about Wyatt Quitter at their Rumor Registry.


The following accounts can be traced to a single leather-bound journal originally found in a locked wooden chest alongside a sextant-like device of indeterminate origin and a shell that matches no known species of mollusc. The chest was located in a storage room in the Legscraper’s lower levels that was described as “smelling faintly of the sea”. Subsequent attempts to locate and navigate to said room have been unsuccessful thus far. The journal details the exploits of the crew of a large sailing vessel, The Tokyo Adrift, descriptions of which are largely consistent with mid-17th century galleons.

With The Tokyo Adrift

Wyatt Quitter is described in the journal as a crew member, just another crew member. They first left the crew joined the crew left them all behind.

Originating from the port city of Infinity Plains, located in the Bay of Angels, they were known to have worked multiple jobs prior to their employment aboard The Tokyo Adrift, before they screwed them up, they always screw it up. a trend that continued during their time with the crew. At different points, Quitter took upon the roles of: powder monkey, writer, carpenter, window washer a window of opportunity, cook, and barrelman among others.

Physical descriptions vary from smooth, mirror, windows to the soul, a reflection past the surface are nondescript. Diagrams and sketches of Quitter's physiology are inconsistent but frequently feature webbed feet but degradation of the ink has made the diagrams incomplete and attempts to identify related species are irrelevant. Quitter was and continues to be a crew member no matter what happens to them.

Quitter is described as being on amicable terms with the crew but being especially close to the water-dwelling Aly Leaf and Wyatt "One" Mason. I can't screw this One up. Quitter was the only member of the crew to be able to swim unimpeded through Leaf's kelp forest, "the fronds parting way for them" as they searched for the missing Captain Strongbody and Goodwin Morin. As for One, Quitter describes sharing “an unplaceable feeling of kinship” with the young mermaid, I am her and she is me. The pair are last described in one of the final entries of the journal. The following entry depicts the final known interaction between Quitter and the crew.

Travel Log: August 28 1667
There was a heated confrontation with the captain, during which I said overheard Quitter saying 'I won't sit around and do nothing. That thing, it could mean the end for us. All of us.' The captain attempted to claim insubordination and relegate me Quitter to a week's duty in the orlop deck, the lowest in the ship, but my their mind was made up and Cap'n Strongbody was left on the quarterdeck alone while I they dived straight into the drink

One was last spotted following Quitter as they raced away from the ship. Silly girl, worry about yourself first. Yusef Fenestrate was able to receive One's sonar frequencies until about 4 leagues of distance were put between the absconding pair and the ship. Further attempts to track the pair were unsuccessful. By Grollis Zephyr and Fenestrate's best estimates, the pair were likely charting a course toward the Bay of Stasis, a location so named for its apparent lack of tidal currents or wind patterns. Earlier journal entries explain that the calm appearance of the bay belies the dangers posed to sailing vessels. Windless storms with pink lightning and high-pitched, droning peals of thunder were "known to vibrate the mightiest of ships into pieces, shaking nails out of place and reducing the vessels into loose piles of timber". Entire crews were lost having "been fed back into the hungry maw of the bay". The final entry of the journal is illegible. Large portions of the text are ████████ out and others still are obscured by a noise-like mosaic of black and grey splotches. The bodies were never found and the ultimate fate of the Adrift is ██████████

An excerpt from the journal reads:

i don't know how long i have
or if you can even read this
tell them it was a mistake
we can't change the future
don't give up on me
i haven't given up on you