Famous Owens

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Revision as of 17:22, 22 August 2020 by Tolinky (talk | contribs)

Famous Owens is a player for the Hades Tigers. Owens has been with the team since the start of Season 1.

Official League Records

Owens currently has no notable events in the official recordbooks.

Interdimensional Rumor Mill

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The 'Woe Moss Faun' Famous Owens is a faun residing in Tartarus who has been playing blaseball, so they claim, since before the sport was invented. They are very proud of their coat of fur, which harbours a natural growth of shimmering green moss that results in a resplendent finish. A theatrical individual with a penchant for melodramatically flinging themself about as soon as anything remotely inconveniences them, their team begrudgingly tolerates Owens due to their unerring knowledge of any party within a ten mile radius. Their team regrets this decision whenever Owens shows up nursing a hangover and/or decides that 'it's too lit' for them to pitch normally.

Upon being shadowed in Season β19, Owens dedicated themself to a series of short-lived enterprises, including opening their own Tartarus nightclub (closed for being 'too much party for The Man to handle', supposedly), starting up their own fashion line (went bust due to Owens' exacting standards of quality control), and supporting Kick Rocks as an assistant pitching coach (kicked out for using this as an excuse to heckle Hiroto Wilcox and enable Dunlap Figueroa's constant monologuing). They eventually settled into instructing dance choreography for a local theatre troupe, with a side role as an assistant sloccer coach, where Owens' vast experience of feigning injury has come in handy.

Owens claims not to miss playing blaseball, since obviously everyone else requires centuries of game time in order to catch up to them, but they have yet to miss a home game while shadowed, and can often be seen with a wistful expression on their face.

  • Supposedly Owens was close in some regard to Yazmin Mason, but they go uncharacteristically tight-lipped whenever the deer pitcher is brought up.