Ji-Eun Jasper/Rumor Registry

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< Ji-Eun Jasper

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Ji-Eun Jasper has 3 Rumors written about so far.

Ji-Eun Jasper/IF-11.111

Jasper Ji-Eun is a deliveryperson and a batter for the Core Mechanics.


Ji-Eun is Korean and uses he/they pronouns. They are pansexual and slightly introverted to a degree, and gets a little bit embarrassed whenever they get attention. Ji-Eun was also involved in the development of the CSL (core sign language).

Ji-Eun prefers very functional clothes, with lots of pockets, bags, pouches and straps to attach things to, which zip closed to make sure they’re secure no matter what direction gravity is pulling.

Ji-Eun wears a set of holographic arm emitters on his elbows. A common model for people who need to sign while working with their first pair of hands, Ji-eun has figured out how to rig theirs so the hands are solid and can pull Ji-Eun through the crags and bars of the Core’s geometry. They can often be seen use them to get around the core in a variety of ever-changing methods, from dashing to double jumping to platforming from pillar to pillar.

Ji-Eun experiences chronic migraines, and produces and sells a line of affordable custom vogmasks.


Like many Core-dwellers, Ji-Eun has a variety of hobbies.

Ji-Eun enjoys delving deep into the unmapped core, leaving high voltage stickers, railings, and other safety measures where appropriate. As a result of their adventures, they have an impressive mental map of the deep core, and began delivering packages and materials between places in the Core as a side hobby.

Ji-Eun is also known for his avant-garde sculpture. In recent years, Ji-Eun has experimented with a post-neo-new wave no wave reconstructive deco-brutalist style. While first impressions have varied from "I can't believe so many colors fit into something so angular" to "0/10 blatantly inedible", over time many have come to appreciate Ji-Eun's "bold sense of personal expression" and "neat shiny things".

Ji-Eun Jasper/IF-11.529


Jasper Ji-Eun is a self-defined dramatic thespian, sculpture artist, and deliveryperson. Their mannerisms have led to the affectionate descriptor of "Pretentious but in like, a nice way" from his friends and teammates.

Ji-Eun likes to play with gravity and directionality both in life and in art. If one walked in on him working in his studio, it would be a 50/50 chance whether he is standing on the ground or hanging from the ceiling using any of his six limbs (two arms, two legs, and two crystalline hard light arms from elbow-mounted projectors). Their sculptures are meant to be "viewed from many angles! Here- come hang from this and look at it from- yes, precisely like that! What do you think? Does it look like the abstract concept of freedom to you?"

Sculpture and Artistry

They describe their art style as "post-neo-new wave no wave reconstructive deco-brutalist," with little explanation as to what those words actually mean. Regardless, Ji-Eun focuses most on aesthetics and beauty of his artwork, frequently foregoing functionality. The one exception is the tiny sculptures of Bolt Beings - entirely accidentally, he created highly functional bodies for non-corporeal Core sprites to possess whenever they want to affect the physical world.

When Evelton McBlase II came down to the core, Ji-Eun took him under their wing as a budding artist. They believe Evelton needs a little guidance in order to realize his potential as a master artist, despite Evelton insisting that he is "not making art" and "just trying to do crimes better, stop telling me it'd look better upside down!"

Their most recent studio show involved literally playing with gravity. They convinced Mira Lemma to convince physics to turn off the gravity in their studio, so that the sculptures and the guests would float and rotate freely around the space. Critics responded from "Ouch I have a headache" to "Exciting, bold, and innovative! His attention to movement is simply unparalleled in the deco-brutalist space."

CORNERS Delivery

Ji-Eun works with CORNERS (Couriers On Route, Non-Euclidian Receivers and Scouts) to deliver packages and uses those delivery trips as an opportunity to pick up both inspiration and scrap metal for their artwork. His second pair of arms comes in especially handy when he needs to carry mail and the shortest route involves swinging or climbing, which is frequent when passing through the non-Euclidean regions of the Core. They wear clothing with many pockets, all of which zip or button closed so nothing falls out if they are upside-down. Some of the pockets are flipped over so that, when standing upright, they would reach "up" into it.

Ji-Eun Jasper/IF-9.773

Entry into the Core

Jasper Ji-Eun is a former resident of Mechanicsville, Virginia, and a self-proclaimed lifelong fan and enemy of the Baltimore Crabs. Jasper was pursuing an undergraduate degree in sculpture before they tripped and fell into the Jlames River, and subsequently washed up in the Core. Witnesses say that Jasper "cried with relief" when they realized they no longer had to finish their finals.


Jasper is known for their avant-garde sculpture. They are a pioneer in the post-neo-new wave no wave reconstructive deco-brutalist movement. While first impressions have varied from "I can't believe so many colors fit into something so angular" to "0/10 blatantly inedible", over time many have come to appreciate Jasper's "bold sense of personal expression" and "neat shiny things".

Jasper experiences chronic migraines, and produces and sells a line of affordable custom vogmasks. Jasper has been open about how their illness has affected their work, and has been a strong advocate in remodeling The Pillars to reduce potential triggers.

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