Topic on Talk:Jacoby Podcast

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Jacoby Podcast is a member of the species Coenobita compressus, also known as the Ecuadorian hermit crab or the Pacific hermit crab. In order to pitch, they sit atop a pitching machine, but not that pitching machine. It's a different pitching machine. Podcast picked their last name on the mistaken belief that it was a nautical term, though they have no desire to change it, as Podcast thinks podcasts are "pretty neat."

Despite the fact that C. compressus is normally found on the western coast of South America, Podcast claims to be a Baltimore native. Podcast has been accused of fabricating their history for "crab clout," with many alleging that they are actually from the Appalachia region. They have denied this, insisting that they were born and raised in Maryland, and that they don't even know what a mountain is. Podcast has been the prime suspect in at least one missing persons incident, though the case against them was dropped due to lack of evidence.

No True Crab

Though initially very private about the issue, Podcast has become very forthright about how despite being a crustacean, they are not a true crab. As hermit crabs have already undergone Carcinization through evolution, Podcast struggled to find a way to personalize the process. They credit fellow pitcher Finn James with helping them cope with this, stating that "she helped me realized that carcinization isn't about your shape or your physical changes, it's about becoming the version of yourself that you're happiest with."

While they were still playing with the Crabs, Podcast was known to wear custom synthetic red shells with the team's logo emblazoned on it, and they have been a strong proponent raising awareness of how painted shells are bad for hermit crabs. They also occasionally wore an eye-stalk hat on top of their eye-stalks, for the goofs.

Trade to the Worms

Expressing interesting in "getting out there and meeting other bugs" and a desire to help ex-Crab Luis Acevedo return to xer home in Baltimore, Podcast transferred to the Ohio Worms at the end of Season 15. New teammates Vessalius Sundae and Patchwork Southwick helped Podcast adapted to their new inland home, building them custom tide pools to help mimic their natural habitat. Podcast has a tense relationship with Pitching Machine, as it has been mistaken for Podcast's pitching machine before, despite being a batter. The relationship between the two has improve significantly since Machine left the team, and both have expressed excitement about the prospect of pitching against each other.