Willow Dice/IF-51.502

From Blaseball Wiki
Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Rumors about Willow Dice at their Rumor Registry.

Pelican Island???

The now-inactive message board of Floridian Ornithologists and Birders For Partying All Night featured a discussion thread, 645 pages long, of members sharing, analysing, and debating evidence to confirm Dice's original species. Anecdotal evidence from several users who were on board the Dale's party yacht La Fiesta during Season 21 of Blaseball suggest that Dice's earlier self-introductions had fewer inconsistencies.

Key features of Dice's self-professed origins included: a home "up north a bit", which she left because of the "asshole egret neighbors"; several escapades as she made her way to Miami, including crashing "on the couch" of some turtles in Jupiter and a "spa day at Palm Beach Zoo"; and "a cool party trick she said she could 'still' pull off where she'd swallow a can of Sparkleyum™ Edible Glitter whole".

These key points have, somehow, convinced several in the FOaBFPAN community that Dice was a brown pelican raised in a rookery of east-central coastal Florida.

Dice declined to comment on the allegation when it was brought to her attention by a reporter, instead getting distracted and quite excited by the idea she had a "fan club".