Tillman Henderson/IF-19.349

From Blaseball Wiki
Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Rumors about Tillman Henderson at their Rumor Registry.

Upon joining the Shoe Thieves, Tillman Henderson tried to form a gang with Snyder Briggs and Hotbox Sato. He wanted to call it “The Smokehouse Gang” because all three were affiliated with smoke in some way (Tillman with his vaping, Snyder with their high body temperature sometimes causing them to steam, and Hotbox being made out of smoke). Hotbox detested this name, saying “I don’t think calling it ‘The Smokehouse Gang’ is a good idea.” The gang was thus officially dubbed the “I Don’t Think Calling It The Smokehouse Gang Is A Good Idea” gang, also known as the IDTCITSGIAGI gang or The Smokehouse Gang for short. Most gang activities revolve around watching sitcoms and discussing ideas for future activities while watching sitcoms.