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A collection of these notes was located in a file cabinet within the Yellowstone National Park Ballpark offices, all sharing a similar handwriting and purpose. Each note describes a member of the Yellowstone Magic, in synchronicity with a known reality counterpart, but as a particular species of bird. It remains unclear why the Augur is scrying these particular ornithomancies and what purpose they may serve, but the findings are dutifully recorded and cataloged when new ones are discovered.


IF-13.1.12-D has 4 Rumors written so far.

Francisco Preston/IF-13.1.12-D

Ornithomantic Assignation

A scrap of wrinkled parchment is inscribed in dark ink by the Augur's hand

A collection of these notes was located in a file cabinet within the Yellowstone National Park Ballpark offices, all sharing a similar handwriting and purpose. Each note describes a member of the Yellowstone Magic, in synchronicity with a known reality counterpart, but as a particular species of bird. It remains unclear why the Augur is scrying these particular ornithomancies and what purpose they may serve, but the findings are dutifully recorded and cataloged when new ones are discovered.

Scrying target: Francisco Preston (Magic lineup, Dad)

Ornithomantic assignation: greater rhea (Rhea americana) - large flightless ratite native to South America.

Appearance is consistent with expectations. A large bird nearly 5 feet tall, with tattered grey plumage bearing rich brown undertone. Exudes a very welcoming aura. Slight associated aroma of barbecue, flickering between hamburgers, hot dogs, and bratwurst. (and mustard)

Individual is otherwise difficult to identify in comparison to other rheas. This species is well known for its strong paternal drives, with male birds incubating and raising multiple clutches, and freely adopting any unattended chicks they may encounter. Individual in question strongly aligned with these characteristics! I confess, I have struggled to not refer to this individual as Dad throughout the writing of this report. Individual associates with other teammates in a protective manner, observably proud of their accomplishments and supportive during their struggles.

Arachismic-legumic reactivity: poor. One known report from Season β7 resulting in significant decrease in max performance.

Sanguinicity: unknown.

Migration status: nonmigratory (as of yet)

Ley line attunement: well done.

This one is a very solid, providing something akin to a foundation to the team. I do have my concerns regarding how the team might react should something happen-

The parchment is burned beyond these words.

Sutton Picklestein/IF-13.1.12-D

Ornithomantic Assignation

A scrap of faded parchment is inscribed in fresh ink by the Augur's hand.

A collection of these notes was located in a file cabinet within the Yellowstone National Park Ballpark offices, all sharing a similar handwriting and purpose. Each note describes a member of the Yellowstone Magic, in synchronicity with a known reality counterpart, but as a particular species of bird. It remains unclear why the Augur is scrying these particular ornithomancies and what purpose they may serve, but the findings are dutifully recorded and cataloged when new ones are discovered.

Scrying target: Sutton Picklestein (Magic lineup, energy being?)

Ornithomantic assignation: red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) - widespread range, many distinct plumage variations. Do not mistake ubiquity with mundanity!

Appearance is consistent with leucism (reduction of pigmentation), with the exception of eyes (should be blue; leucism does not confer glowing eyes!) and an all-encompassing corona of indeterminate energy - effect on plumage appearance is akin to sun-induced bleaching, but appears to come from within(?) - distinct greenish-yellow tinge, source unclear. Strong aroma of dill associated (expected).

Individual is otherwise unremarkable. Reserved, yet communicating a rather ebullient air. I have found my spirits lifted by even the briefest observation. I have also found it difficult to shed the glowing afterimage of the individual - strong residual energies (!!!)

Relation to Owen Picklestein? -unable to confirm (outside of scrying range. pity.)

Arachismic-legumic reactivity: poor. One known report from Season β6 resulting in deficit in defense and hitting. (consistent)

Sanguinicity: siphon recipient of a portion of Miguel Wheeler's hitting. Noted improvement in Season β7. (consistent!)

Migration status: nonmigratory (as of yet)

Ley line attunement: well grounded (??)

This one bears follow up, if only to properly discern precise energy signatures. I'm not sure-

The parchment is torn beyond those words.

Washer Barajas/IF-13.1.12-D

Ornithomantic Assignation

A scrap of damp parchment is inscribed in blue ink by the Augur's hand

A collection of these notes was located in a file cabinet within the Yellowstone National Park Ballpark offices, all sharing a similar handwriting and purpose. Each note describes a member of the Yellowstone Magic, in synchronicity with a known reality counterpart, but as a particular species of bird. It remains unclear why the Augur is scrying these particular ornithomancies and what purpose they may serve, but the findings are dutifully recorded and cataloged when new ones are discovered.

Scrying target: Washer Barajas (Magic lineup, animated geyser?)

Ornithomantic assignation: American dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) - also known as water ouzel. Unusual songbird that has adapted to a life spent diving in streams!

Silhouette is recognizable - stout songbird, somewhat smaller than familiar American robin. Short tail, short wings, long legs (relatively). However, where typical dippers are dark grey in coloration, this individual appears to be composed of an ever-shifting collection of superheated water and steam, appearing whitish from a distance. Appearance of eye is a single spinning coin (?) - unable to resolve face value, country of origin, or metallic composition (copper?)

Actual composition is consistent with appearance: hydrogeological gasses, water, unknown coin, and stray bits of peanut and shell. In short, a geyser with a coin and some peanut bits in it, in the shape of a most unusual aquatic songbird! (Water elemental? Hydrothermal elemental? Clearly location-bound...what about away games?)

Arachismic-legumic reactivity: poor. Previous event in Season β5 has ongoing repercussions in actual physical composition! (this is consistent)

Sanguinicity: as yet unknown (no events in record - also consistent)

Migration status: nonmigratory, bound to park. (again - what about away games??)

Ley line attunement: effervescent and fumarolic (occasional association of smoke and sulfur?) with strong conative affinities (enaction of wishes?)

The longer I observe this individual, the more complexities I uncover. For instance, I would much like to know-

The parchment is blank beyond those words, except for one drop of ink beneath the word uncover.

Bonk Jokes/IF-13.1.12-D

Ornithomantic Assignation

A scrap of weathered parchment is inscribed in ashen ink by the Augur's hand

A collection of these notes was located in a file cabinet within the Yellowstone National Park Ballpark offices, all sharing a similar handwriting and purpose. Each note describes a member of the Yellowstone Magic, in synchronicity with a known reality counterpart, but as a particular species of bird. It remains unclear why the Augur is scrying these particular ornithomancies and what purpose they may serve, but the findings are dutifully recorded and cataloged when new ones are discovered.

Scrying target: Bonk Jokes (Magic lineup, skeletal amalgamation)

Ornithomantic assignation: many disparate identities exist within the target, circling around the core, but the preferred presentation is as bearded vulture or lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) - a remarkable Old World vulture with a diet of bones.

Appearance is distinct within the shifting shadows that signify other identifications within the system. Massive bird of prey with 10ft wingspan, brown wings, a yellow-white face and underside, and a v-shaped marking of black down the face that meets and terminates beneath the lower mandible, with trailing feathers representing the nominative "beard." However, appearance also shifts to that of the skeletal system of said bird, with a low red glow within the skull. In periods of flux the bird shifts rapidly in shape. In my observations I have recorded a white-throated magpie-jay, a southern white-faced owl, a Blackburnian warbler, a tourmaline sunangel, and a ruddy duck.

Collective is silent, using their immense size as an intimidation factor in defense of their territory. Collective also engages in the activity well-known of the species: that of arising to great height with a large scavenged bone in talons, and then dropping it to fall upon rocks, where it may break apart into manageable pieces. The pieces are then retrieved on the ground and swallowed whole. In this case, the bones are integrated into the overall identifiable signature, and may indicate the creation of a new aspect. Said aspects may shift to become the primary presentation at times, but as the recording of each aspect's identifiers and habits will occupy far more than one evening, I shall abstain, and merely report upon the overall front that is presented.

Of important note is the ancient Greek name for this bird, which is ossifrage, a name which means "bone breaker." Of additional important note is that the ancient Greeks regarded the ossifrage as one of the few birds regarded as truth-tellers to the sooth-sayers.

Arachismic-legumic reactivity: unknown.

Sanguinicity: unknown.

Migration status: nonmigratory (as of yet)

Ley line attunement: osteogenic.

This one is a very new construct, assembled by the "Wise" in great haste. I have a great many suggestions for him, which he would no doubt spurn. However, he has overlooked the very important fact that his newest construct is-

The ink is too smeared to read beyond those words.