Lily Cole

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Short Circuits
Information on this page pertains to events in a temporary universe and may have minimal long-term bearing on the game.

Lily Cole was a pitcher for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands, and competed in Gamma 4 until they were Charged and gained the Static modification.

Official League Records

Cole was first seen as a pitcher for the Breckenridge Jazz Hands after the Microphone Localized and Tuned into Gamma 4.

During the Party Planning election, Cole attended the Jazz Hands' Mixer, resulting in a combined 11.6 12.1 stat increase.

During the iam8bit Presents: Blood Jams Vol. II election, Cole listened to Blood Jams Vol. II and gained Fire Blood.

During the Gamma 4, Season 1 Elections, Cole gained the Static modification as a result of the Jazz Hands' Charge will, and was removed from the Jazz Hands' roster. Cole received three copies of the modification, along with every other Charged player that season.