Snyder Briggs

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Snyder Briggs is a player for the Charleston Shoe Thieves.

During a notorious interview in XX23, Briggs revealed they did not know what a blaseball was, stating that they just "throw whatever I find in my hand," and appearing visibly perturbed and afraid when shown a picture of a ball.

Briggs has frequently expressed a desire to experience Incineration. "It gets pretty chilly out there on the mound some days," they were recorded saying to an Umpire in XX57. "I think it would do a body good to get some fire in my bones, ya know?"

Briggs specializes in stealing horseshoes.

During a game in the XX32 season, Briggs was ejected from the game and suspended for two games after it was discovered they had soaked their uniform in kerosene and were attempting to light a match before their start pitching against the Yellowstone Magic. This was deemed an attempt to gain an unfair advantage, and ruled as unsplortsmanlike behavior.

Following the Incinerations of both Sebastian Townsend and Atlas Jonbois within a five game span in Season 3, Briggs entered into a verbal altercation with an Umpire, reportedly saying "Why them and not me? How much more do I need to do?"