Basilio Fig

From Blaseball Wiki

Basilio Fig is a lineup player for the Hawaii Fridays. Fig has been with the time since Season 3, Day 76, when Fig replaced Hendricks Rangel due to incineration.

Official League Records

Season 4

Basilio Fig suffered an allergic peanut reaction on batting against the Yellowstone Magic on Day 24 of Season 4.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.



After the incineration (and some would argue return to the ether) of Hendricks Rangel, Basilio Fig stepped onto the field. As a sentient palm tree growing near one of the Fridays’ most frequented playing spots, Fig had already been a fan of blaseball for quite some time. At the very moment that Rangel’s physical form released, Our Lady of Perpetual Friday graced Fig with a renewed vigor in their roots, allowing them to stride across the field and join the Fridays.

Eyewitnesses say that each time Fig steps up to bat time seems to slow. In that instant a pair of muscular arms grow from their barklike torso allowing them to swing their bat.

Fig is close friends with a family of toucans that were blown into their upper branches by a passing storm. Fridays player Fletcher Yamamoto can be found nesting with Fig on their days off together.
