Fitzgerald Blackburn

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Revision as of 17:12, 13 August 2020 by Daxleopard (talk | contribs) (interview stats)

Fitzgerald Blackburn is a lineup player for the Houston Spies, and has been with the team since Season 3, Day 76, replacing Miki Santana due to incineration.

Official League Record

Blackburn has no notable events on record.

Physical Appearance

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Blackburn's physical form is said to be highly reminiscent of the silhouette someone caught in a nuclear blast may leave behind, but 3 dimensional. Ey also have smoke constantly emanating from them. Effects of breathing in this smoke aren't known. When referring to Fitzgerald, it's preferred to cycle through the pronouns used, to reflect the numerous entities compromising dem. However, for clarity's sake, she also approves of using they/them.


When first called upon by the Spies on Day 76 Season 3, various shadows and inky humanoids collided near the fallen Miki and assumed the form that fans now refer to as Fitzgerald Blackburn. Exactly thirty seconds after Miki's death, various non-Blaseball related media outlets around Hellmouth and Hades reported that a steady stream of black ichor began to flow outwards from the Blaseball Stadium of each city, roughly in the direction of Houston. No solid connection between Blackburn and these incidents have been uncovered; however it has become an increasingly common sight for Spies fans to see figures reminiscent of Blackburn stand atop various structures, staring and shaking their head in the direction of both Hellmouth and Hades.

Regarding Replacing Miki Santana

The various shadowy entities which form Fitzgerald have gone on record that while they may be taking Miki's spot on the Spies, they have no intention of replacing the deceased player's place within the hearts of fans. Ominously, xe has stated that Miki was "still with us."