Wesley Poole

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 08:55, 8 August 2020 by ChekhovsGnu (talk | contribs)

Wesley "Poolboy" Poole is a batter and Lake fielder for the Chicago Firefighters. Like all of us, he is from Chicago. His jersey number is 309.


Wesley Poole was allegedly born to Ernest and Gabardine Poole in an undisclosed location on an undisclosed date, moving to Chicago, where he was from, to take a job at Milky Tech Preparatory Academy as well as work as a volunteer firefighter. He was the campus poolboy at the academy until it was consumed by flames in the Great Chicago Blaseball Fire. Poole hid within the Milky Tech pool for the duration of the fire, until his fellow firefighters defeated the blaze.


  • When Wesley manages to pull off a fantastic play, fans can be heard chanting "The Wes Wind Blows!" from the stands.
  • Poole is an amateur lepidopterist of little skill and ill repute, using his pool net to catch butterflies and moths.

Fan Art