Core Dragons

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The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

The dragons of the Core may be unusual to those used to the fairy tales told in the up. Core Dragons and Deep Core Dragons can be found in many places outside of the inhabited parts of the core, and should be treated with the caution and care required of creatures of their magnitude.


It is hard to describe the appearance of a core dragon as it varies so wildly. Their silhouettes often resemble that of dragons from the stories from the up, however the material is often different. Adventurers and Explorers have described meeting dragons of steam, brass, cogs, energy, plasma, paper or even nothing. The one similarity was their imposing presence, one that made you certain there was a dragon nearby. While you may not recognize a Core Dragon, you will know one when you find it.


It is commonly believed that Core Dragons are sentient, although BACK claims to have no reliable records suggesting any diplomacy with a dragon has ever taken place. Core Dragons are not simple wild creatures though, and can be very intelligent, tricking even the most experienced explorer. Beyond that behavior is hard to pin down due to the variety of dragons. Often, core dragons are known to block the path until a tribute is made. This behavior is normal, and should be expected.


Ideally, you never need to interact with a core dragon. However if you encounter one the first rule is stay calm and stay determined. Core Dragons seem to like this trait. Make sure to do whatever the dragon seems to be asking of you, unless it would bring harm to you. If that is the case, bow and apologize profusely, offering up some of your gear in exchange for being unable to fulfill its request. If you see a core dragon in the distance, simply observe and do not approach.


The following is an excerpt from UP's record of dragons describing a dragon met in the Core. This time, the Interdimensional Rumor Mill reveals a Rumor from IF-69.420 out of its Rumor Registry...

Origami Dragon:

A dragon made of entirely paper. Often multicolored, these paper creations seem not to be able to breath neither fire nor unfire. There are currently no reports of Origami Dragons made of plain white paper.