Core Dragons

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 06:51, 19 June 2021 by Menagerie (talk | contribs)

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

The dragons of the Core may be unusual to those used to the fairy tales told in the up. Core Dragons and Deep Core Dragons can be found in many places outside of the inhabited parts of the core, and should be treated with the caution and care required of creatures of their magnitude.


It is hard to describe the appearance of a core dragon as it varies so wildly. Their silhouettes often resemble that of dragons from the stories from the up, however the material is often different. Adventurers and Explorers have described meeting dragons of steam, brass, cogs, energy, plasma, paper or even nothing. The one similarity was their imposing size and a presence that made you certain there was a dragon nearby. While you may not recognize a Core Dragon, you will know one when you find it.


The following is an excerpt from UP's record of dragons describing a dragon met in the Core. This time, the Interdimensional Rumor Mill reveals a Rumor from IF-92.723 out of its Rumor Registry...

Grey Dragon

Living within the steam clouds of the more humid regions of the core the Grey Dragon uses its colouration to blend into its surroundings. This secretive and shy creature, roughly the size of an upworld housecat, is primarily an ambush predator feeding on Oilrats and other small creatures. It is not entirely without danger to larger core denizens however having been known to attack larger creatures if they have already been injured.