Emmett Internet

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Revision as of 04:27, 3 August 2020 by Ephesos (talk | contribs)

Emmett Internet is a batter[1] for the Hellmouth Sunbeams.

Their batting stance is unconventional, but they are known to be an incredibly patient hitter, sometimes waiting years for the right pitch.

Tragic backstory

Growing up in the SFJPEJSCMXOIKO suburb of the Hellmouth, Emmett was a bright-eyed and cheerful child, honing their catching and digestive skills by playing games of the charming local pastime "Get Rocks Thrown At You", the influence of which can still be seen in their tendency to eat the blaseball the one time every three years that the Sunbeam pitchers manage to successfully throw it their way.

Emmett achieved their current shapeless, friendly form after accidentally inventing computers at the age of fifteen, and inadvertently entering a pact that exchanged their body for a "cloud" on which the new Internet would be born. In theory, the sheer amount of sensitive and personal data stored on their incorporeal databanks would grant them unmatched power, if only they could read.

You can click websites and read articles online :)