Alaynabella Hollywood

From Blaseball Wiki

Alaynabella Hollywood is a lineup player for the Hellmouth Sunbeams. Hollywood has been with the team since Season 1. Hollywood is well known for their intensely aggressive offensive style and a rock-solid beyond-your-years defense.

Official League Records

Hollywood currently has no notable events in the official recordbooks.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.


On the field, Hollywood is known for their peculiar warm-up habits, which involve a great deal of drawing in the sand outside the opposing team's dugout and several unknowable BlackBerry devices.

Their signature double-play with second base teen Randy Marijuana has been dubbed "Hollyweed" by their adoring and bloodthirsty fans.


There has been some tension between Alaynabella and the team's management, due to the fact that they have little regards for blaseball courtesies. They often accessorize their uniform in ways that are frowned upon and steals bases when they want to, much to the detriment of their team. Alaynabella has stated on one or more occasions that they are "an entity fueled by chaos".

Personal Life

Alaynabella Hollywood is the author of a young adult fantasy novel series, which follows the adventures of teen wizardess Quillana Moonmarked as she battles against the countless evils threatening the Kingdom of Derevor.

Hollywood is also alleged to have been in a relationship with Hades Tigers ringer Jessica Telephone at some point in time, per the Tigerbeams anti-rivalry and its effects of causing interplayer relationships. When asked about a possible date at a hellish diner a ways away from Sixth Circle Stadium, the rumors were denied and a snail tsunami followed in the wake of all the questioning. Whether the reporters on the case of discovering the status of their relationship survived is unknown.


by discord user Luxington
By @glempy on twitter
by discord user GunBoatDiplomat