Parker Parra

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 17:22, 22 August 2020 by Tolinky (talk | contribs)

Art by @Slagstorm

Parker Parra is a player for the Baltimore Crabs and has been with the team since Season 1.

Official League Records

Parra currently has no notable events in the official record books

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Interdimensional Rumor Mill

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Meet the Crab™ LLC Team!

Parker Parra - Chief Media Emissary

You might think from looking at them that Parker Parra is a troublemaker who causes more issues for People Ops than they're worth. And you'd be right! However, noting their success as a Crabs-Classic™ media darling, we at Crabs LLC™ have capitalized on their marketability to attract a Streaming Audience.

You can catch Parker Parra commentating Company-Approved Videos Game at the times listed in the schedule on their Twlich™ page. In their spare time they love playing by the rules, raising company morale, and taking any company-mandated reprimands like an absolute champ!

Some Parker Parra Fun Facts!

  • Has a sixth toe on one foot
  • Has a penchant for fly fishing
  • Can do seven consecutive pushups