Topic on Talk:Howell Franklin

From Blaseball Wiki

Howell Franklin is mentioned on the page of new Sunbeam Borg Ruiz!! Fulltext of Bo's page can be found here but the relevant section is as follows:

"Senior teammate and neighbor Howell Franklin, who helped the youngsters move in was quoted saying, that while the house is "cute on the outside" it also has a "pretty bad bread infestation. And I mean bad. Ciabatta in the ceiling, sourdough in the stairwells — You ever try to use a toilet while a baguette's stuck in it? It's not pretty."

Franklin, after a moment of stifled laughter, added, "But with that faulty wiring in there, the bread is the yeast of their problems!

...Get it, because...Because bread...And it's the yeast of the pr-"

Franklin, in a later statement, confirmed that the wiring was fine."