Topic on Talk:Lady Matsuyama

From Blaseball Wiki
Hillexed2 (talkcontribs)

lady personality summary so far:

- loves her wife/gf bottles

- team aunt, generally calm, usually the first person the rest of the team goes to for venting or dealing with grief

- rivalry with zoey (see zoey's summary for more), plays the face, star pitcher vs star batter. zoey's text sound is the riff from Toxic in lady's phone

- sometimes may get genuinely frustrated that hotshot rookie zoey is the star pitcher despite not being with the team in the big leagues/through ascension

- but also likes zoey and the rivalry is mostly in fun

- plays mariokart with bottles, extremely competitive

- more responsible than bottles (but not by much), helps them remember to self care and eat and not get lost in work and bottles does the same back

- she and bottles try to sneak unsafe


-fun races past team mom Mira, but they're generally caught

- likes mountaineering/spelunking/hiking

- explores weird sections of the Core, works with FRONT/CENTER

- uses a wheelchair (some/all of the time) (maybe it transforms? into tank treads/motorcycle/stair climbing/hiking/spelunking-specific configurations?) (alternatively, it's strongly based in IRL wheelchair designs + reinforced for blaseball and the focus is on making other places accessible, ie mechs go to away games and install ramps)

- likes to talk about the areas of the Core she's explored, leads tours sometimes

- contrasts Mira's theoretical ideas about the Core's topology with practical experience, making for very interesting conversations

- tall :heart_eyes:

- trans, has a tail with switchable ends (drill bits, book holder, etc), feminine style